Bill Information > SR 8639
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SR 8639 - 2021-22
Honoring the life of Senator Doug Ericksen and his legislative accomplishments.
Sponsors: Braun, Billig, Brown, Carlyle, Cleveland, Conway, Das, Dhingra, Dozier, Fortunato, Frockt, Gildon, Hasegawa, Hawkins, Holy, Honeyford, Hunt, Keiser, King, Kuderer, Liias, Lovelett, Lovick, McCune, Mullet, Muzzall, Nguyen, Nobles, Padden, Pedersen, Randall, Rivers, Robinson, Rolfes, SaldaƱa, Salomon, Schoesler, Sefzik, Sheldon, Short, Stanford, Trudeau, Van De Wege, Wagoner, Warnick, Wellman, Wilson, C., Wilson, J., Wilson, L.
Bill History
Jan 28
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