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An elk

About FWP Elk Management Plan Initial Guidance Citizens Group

About the Group

The scope of this group was to provide overarching elk management guidance for the state of Montana. Specific decisions regarding management tools, regional/hunting district specific strategies, or writing the Elk Management Plan were outside the scope of the group.

Duration and Time Commitment

The assembled group was active for a limited time, meeting three times in the fall and winter of 2020. Meetings were held via Zoom in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Selection Process

FWP solicited applications for the Elk Management Plan Initial Guidance Citizens Group over a 30-day period and received 59 applications. FWP deliberated extensively before recommending a subset that could provide a diversity of perspectives including that of landowners, outfitters, hunters, backcountry pack guides, fishing and hunting guides, and interested members of the public.

The group represented different locations and elk management situations across Montana. Members were chosen to serve based on demonstrated ability to respectfully express an important and unique perspective and to hear others voices equally well, to think independently, and to lead effectively. Group members affiliated with organizations were expected to think independently and represent themselves rather than the organizations with which they were associated.