Minnesota Dual-Training Pipeline
Minnesota Dual-Training Pipeline supports employers with creating or enhancing a competency based, earn-and-learn dual-training approach to meeting their workforce needs. With Pipeline, workers receive a combination of related instruction paired with on-the-job training.
The program targets high-growth industries with limited history with Minnesota's apprenticeship system:
Dual training basics
Dual training is an earn-while-you-learn approach where the employer invests in their employee by providing training in competency standards to equip the employee with the specific knowledge and skills necessary for a particular occupation. For a trainee to qualify for a dual-training program, they must:
be employed by the participating employer and,
receive structured on-the-job training and technical instruction in accordance with the competency standards for a specific occupation (use the above industry links to find the eligible occupations with competency standards).
Minnesota Dual-Training Pipeline objectives
Engage employers, higher education, labor, representatives of the disabled community and government to support employment-based training;
expand earn-and-learn dual-training and registered apprenticeship in Minnesota; and
bring together leaders from industry to identify, define, create and validate occupational competencies for in-demand careers.
Dual training grants
Dual training grants are available through our partners at the Minnesota Office of Higher Education and provide funding for employers to create new and/or expand existing dual-training initiatives.
Additional information about Minnesota Dual-Training Pipeline
View a map of partner employers throughout Minnesota.
Additional employer resources
Identify the nearest CareerForce location to help find workers.
Visit Minnesotaworks.net, a state job-bank where businesses can post jobs.
U.S. Department of Labor resources for career exploration, training and jobs
Contact us at Pipeline.Program@state.mn.us.