3.11 Medicaid Updates


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Improving Maternal Health in the Postpartum Period:

Strategies, Models, and the Postpartum Coverage Extension Option 

Date: March 25, 2022

Time: 2:00-3:00 PM EST

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) invites you to attend a webinar on improving maternal health during the postpartum period. Most pregnancy-related deaths occur during the postpartum period, from one day to 12 months after delivery, and many deaths are the result of conditions that can be addressed with high-quality, ongoing postpartum care. This webinar will describe the clinical and social risks postpartum individuals face that contribute to their morbidity and mortality and strategies to improve postpartum care and outcomes. This webinar will also look at how the American Rescue Plan’s 12-month postpartum extension option in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides the time and access to care needed to better meet the needs of postpartum individuals.

During this webinar, presenters will:

  • Describe the need to increase the use and quality of postpartum care to improve health outcomes for Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries
  • Describe evidence-informed drivers of equitable access to high quality postpartum care:
    • Cross-cutting strategies
    • Person-centered models of care
    • Addressing specific needs
  • Share examples of state Medicaid and CHIP agency strategies to improve postpartum care and outcomes

Register for the webinar here: https://mathematica.webex.com/mathematica/onstage/g.php?MTID=eff4f0d7b24054f5aec74aa137f6bb7f1


Upcoming Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Listening Sessions


Dear Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Partners,


CMS will host four listening sessions centered on non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT).  These sessions, open to the public, will be held March 10, March 31, April 7, and April 13.


Through these listening sessions, CMS would like to obtain your input regarding potential practices for improving Medicaid program integrity for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation. In support of this goal, there will be one session on each of the following topic areas:

  • Provider Enrollment Requirements and Eligibility Determinations for Providers/Drivers
  • Program Integrity, Correct Billing Concerns, Documentation and Data Requirements for NEMT Providers
  • Economic Factors and Cost Containment Challenges in NEMT
  • NEMT Coordination Topics – Brokers, MCO’s, Community Transportation and Paratransit Services

All four sessions are open to the public. Please find below the timing of each session along with a link for you to complete registration. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


For questions or concerns, please contact nemtengagement@mitre.org.


Thank you!



NEMT Listening Session 2:

Program Integrity, Correct Billing Concerns, Documentation and Data Requirements for NEMT Providers

Date: March 31, 2022

Time: 2:00-3:30 PM EST

In this session, we are seeking your input on program integrity, billing, documentation, and data requirements, including topics such as:

  • No shows/payment for missed NEMT appointments
  • No-shows for rides
  • No load trips and/or miles
  • Trips for non-medical services
  • Trips to nowhere
  • Late pick-ups and/or driver no-shows
  • Up-coded services and exaggerated miles
  • Inappropriate/unapproved transportation for family members
  • Patient brokering, kickbacks, etc.

Register in advance for this webinar:



NEMT Listening Session 3:

Economic Factors and Cost Containment Challenges in NEMT

Date: April 7, 2022

Time: 2:00-3:30 PM EST

In this session, we are seeking your input on economics and cost containment, including topics such as:

  • Transportation related expenses and direct payments
  • Meals, lodging and payment for an attendant
  • Transportation for beneficiaries with challenging behaviors
  • Direct payments to beneficiaries, family, and volunteer drivers
  • Broker conflict of interest (COI)
  • Broker prohibition on providing transportation

Register in advance for this webinar:



NEMT Listening Session 4:

NEMT Coordination Topics –Brokers, MCO’s Community Transportation and Paratransit Services

Date: April 13, 2022

Time: 2:00-3:30 PM EST

In this session, we are seeking your input on broker arrangements as well as usage of community transportation and paratransit services, including topics such as:

  • Access to services, timely arrival and drop off
  • Rural issues
  • Tribal land issues
  • Coverage of transportation to services not provided by Medicaid.

Register in advance for this webinar:



Next Data Submission Period for the CAHPS® Home and Community-Based Services Survey: August 8–26, 2022

Users of the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS CAHPS) Survey can submit their data to the HCBS CAHPS Database from August 8–26, 2022.  Note that the submission timeline for 2022 is earlier than it was last year.  All survey data collected from July 1, 2018–December 31, 2021, can be submitted to the Database.  Participation will facilitate comparisons of HCBS CAHPS Survey findings by individual states and HCBS program types. Participation is free, voluntary, and open to all HCBS CAHPS Survey users. CMS is providing advanced notice to ensure states, managed care plans, and supporting entities have adequate time to prepare data use agreements and database submissions. 

In preparation for uploading information to the Database, HCBS CAHPS Survey users are encouraged to download and complete the HCBS CAHPS Database Data Use Agreement as soon as possible. Users may submit it before August 8, 2022, to HCBSCAHPSDatabase@Westat.com.  The HCBS CAHPS Database is a joint project of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Learn more about the submission requirements. The HCBS CAHPS survey versions eligible for submission are

  • Adult Survey 1.0 and
  • Adult Survey 1.0 with the supplemental Employment Module.

For more information about the HCBS CAHPS Database, contact 855-580-4657 or HCBSCAHPSDatabase@Westat.comFor technical assistance with HCBS CAHPS implementation, contact HCBSmeasures@Lewin.com.