HELAA - Submit a New Site

Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) and Brownfield Land Register (BLR) 2024 

Basildon Borough Council is preparing a new local plan following the withdrawal of the previous draft local plan (Revised Publication Local Plan 2014 - 2034). The new Local Plan will set out the overall planning framework to support growth and development in the Borough. It will contain a Spatial Strategy which identifies locations for delivering strategic development needs such as housing, employment, retail, leisure, and infrastructure. 

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires every Local Planning Authority to assess the amount of land that is available for housing and economic development in its area. This process is now known as the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA). The Housing and Planning Act 2016 makes provision for local planning authorities to prepare, maintain and publish a register of brownfield land. The Brownfield Land Register (BLR) should identify previously developed sites in the Borough that we have assessed as being suitable for housing led development.

The HELAA Review and BLR for 2022 and 2023 will now be undertaken following the closure of the Call for Sites 2022.

Site submissions for the HELAA/BLR 2024 can now be made using the links below.

Site Submission Proforma

In completing the form please: 

  • Only submit sites that are within Basildon Borough 
  • Use a separate form for each site 
  • Complete the form to the best of your knowledge and as comprehensively as possible 
  • Submit sites that are likely to become available for development or redevelopment within the next 15-20 years 
  • Submit sites that do not already have planning permission for development of a similar type to that proposed - in relation to the HELAA, land submitted for the BLR may have planning permission - if this is the case please provide the application details on the form. 

Information submitted using these forms will be used to produce the annual HELAA and BLR, with the exception of personal data, the information provided will be made available to the public.

Anonymous proposals cannot be accepted, as we will need to be able to contact you in the future. You are entitled to use an agent (e.g. planning consultant, solicitor, estate agent, family member, etc.) to submit this proposal on your behalf, but landownership details must be provided to confirm availability of a site.

Please send an accompanying site location plan that clearly identifies the boundaries of the site to the email or postal address detailed below. The map should be an OS map and must show at least two named roads, to ensure that the site can be correctly identified. Where there is more than one landowner, the landownership boundaries must be clearly defined on the map and confirmation provided as part of the submission that each landowner is agreeing to the consideration of the land for possible development. 

Site location plans and PDF versions of the form should be submitted to: 

Email: planningpolicy@basildon.gov.uk

Post: HELAA and BLR - Planning Policy Team, Basildon Borough Council, Basildon Centre, St Martin's Square, Basildon, Essex, SS14 1DL 

General Data Protection Rights (GDPR)

Basildon Borough Council needs to collect your personal data so that the Council can identify future sources of land for housing and economic development to help meet the Borough's future development needs. The personal data you provide on this form will be used for the purposes of contacting you in respect of the HELAA, Brownfield Register, the Local Plan, Joint Strategic Plans and/or any other plans, guidance or strategies which concern the development or use of land within the Basildon Borough. 

All data will be processed in accordance with GDPR, our privacy notice is available to read on the website: http://www.basildon.gov.uk/privacy-planning-policy

Site submission deadline

Submissions for the annual HELAA/BLR 2024 Review will close on 31 March 2024. Any sites submitted after this time will be considered as part of the 2025 reviews.

What happens next?

The HELAA and the BLR (if your site is brownfield land), will be updated based on any information provided. 

The final HELAA and BLR 2022 and 2023 will be published in 2024. At this stage you will be able to view the overall assessment and outcome of your site.