The Missouri Blue Scholarship is a law enforcement basic training academy scholarship that makes up to $5,000 available for each selected non-sponsored* law enforcement academy recruit to help cover the cost of attending a Missouri basic training academy. Prior to submitting an application, contact the basic law enforcement academy to confirm the academy start date, the cost of the basic academy, and any financial aid you will receive that does not have to be repaid, such as a Federal Pell Grant.

You can apply for the Missouri Blue Scholarship prior to the start of basic training, but you must be attending a basic training academy to receive the Blue Scholarship. Only one scholarship application should be submitted per person. You will receive a confirmation email once your scholarship application has been received.

*A non-sponsored law enforcement academy recruit is one whose tuition is not being paid by a law enforcement agency. Recruits who attend an academy affiliated with a law enforcement agency and do not pay tuition are not eligible for the Blue Scholarship.

The Missouri General Assembly approved a total of $2 million in Missouri Blue Scholarship funding in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget.

The $5,000 scholarship is paid directly to the law enforcement academy.

  • Missouri Blue Scholarships are awarded first come, first served.
  • Must be a Missouri resident.
  • Must be a high school graduate or equivalent.
  • Must be a U.S. citizen.
  • Must be 21 or older on date recruit takes the Missouri POST license examination.
  • Missouri Blue Scholarship recipients’ training academy class must begin by June 1, 2025.
(Must be 21 or over on date of POST License Exam (mm/dd/yyyy)
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