American Rescue Plan Act: Medicaid HCBS Grants Supporting Quality and Innovation

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides qualifying states with federal funding for Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) activities. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is investing some of these federal funds to implement a statewide HCBS grant opportunity.

With the goal to enhance, expand, and strengthen HCBS, DHS provided $30 million over two funding rounds across Medicaid HCBS programs. Funds were distributed geographically across the state in both urban and rural areas, and support diverse organizations and populations. Funded projects reflect a wide range of ways to positively impact Medicaid program members and participants, direct care workers, families of individuals receiving services, HCBS providers, and more.

2024 Wisconsin HCBS Innovation Grants Summit

HCBS Innovation Grants Summit attendees talk with each other between presentations

In October 2024, approximately 300 grantees, HCBS providers, DHS decision makers, care recipients with lived experience, and other collaborators came together for a two-day working conference. Attendees shared lessons learned from the grant experience, took home practical and actionable ideas, and together shaped the future of HCBS in Wisconsin.

The goal was to promote innovation, collaboration, and communication between groups and organizations that rarely have such a chance to work together. Organizations around the state are serving HCBS clients in new and exciting ways and the summit provided an opportunity to meet other people working in the same space and connect.

Learn more about the 2024 Wisconsin HCBS Innovation Grants Summit

 Get involved in the community of success

Celebrate success

Grant-funded projects excel in creatively and positively impacting Medicaid HCBS programs. Check out the real results and exciting plans from our grantees!

See the Medicaid HCBS Grant Awards Briefing

On November 28, 2023, we shared the impact the grants have made across Wisconsin in a webinar.

See the Medicaid HCBS Grant Awards Briefing slides (PDF)

 About the grant funding cycle

The grant funding cycle is now closed. Award recipients for the second round were determined and notified in June 2023.

Over the course of Round 2, DHS received 449 applications requesting more than $86 million in grant funding. Ultimately, DHS selected 89 applicant projects and will disburse over $12.4 million in project funding. Combined with the first round, nearly $30 million has been awarded as a result of this grant program.

If you missed the deadline for this opportunity, please subscribe to our email list to continue receiving updates on any future grant opportunities.

 ARPA HCBS grants dashboard

Use this dashboard to see overall awards and impact, or to see individual project summaries and goals.

The present view of the dashboard shows statistics for all grant awards. You can also:

  • Filter by project reach: choose a value in the Project Reach dropdown
  • Filter by county served: choose a county or counties in the County dropdown, or click on a county on the map
  • Filter by round awarded: choose from the first or second rounds of grant funding
  • Filter by awardee: choose an awardee in the Awardee Name dropdown
  • Filter by project objective: select a bar chart area in the Project Objectives section
  • Filter by program: select a bar chart area in the Impacted Medicaid Program section

To view more data and explanatory text, hover over the map, charts, and graphs in the dashboard.

 Archived applicant resources

Resource documents

Information sessions

Last revised January 14, 2025