Missouri Conservation Commission February 2025 Meeting Tentative Agenda
- Thursday, Feb. 6, 10 a.m. – Workshop and Closed Executive Session
- Friday, Feb. 7, 8:30 a.m. – Regular Open Meeting
- All activities will be held at MDC Headquarters, 2901 W. Truman Blvd. in Jefferson City.
Background documents related to open meeting agenda items are available for public viewing at Conservation Department Headquarters, Jefferson City, for eight calendar days prior to the meeting. Any person who would like to comment to the Commission about a specific agenda item must make a written request to the Director at least four calendar days prior to the meeting. The time allotted for public comment and the number of speakers will be at the Commission’s discretion. Recording the open meeting is permissible, pursuant to any guidelines established by the Commission to minimize disruption to the meeting. Individuals wishing to record the open meeting by audiotape, videotape, or other electronic means should notify the Director at least four calendar days prior to the meeting so accommodations for such recording can be made.
Feb. 6 at 10 a.m. — Workshop and Closed Executive Session
- Commission Workshop - Regulations Pipeline
- Vote to close meeting.
- E.1 – Approval of minutes of previous executive session(s) (610.021 RSMo.).
- E.2 – Consideration of supporting documentation related to recommendations to suspend or revoke hunting, fishing, and trapping privileges (621.021(1), 610.021(14), 454.440.9, 211.321 RSMo).
- E.3 – Consideration of confidential or privileged communications between the Commission and its Internal Auditor regarding work product (610.021(18) RSMo.).
- E.4 – Consideration of negotiated contracts (610.021(12) RSMo.).
- E.5 – Consideration of legal actions, causes of action, or litigation and attorney-client privileged communications as provided for in (610.021(1) RSMo.).
- E.6 – Consideration of potential real estate transactions/negotiations (610.021(2) RSMo.).
- E.7 – Consideration of recommendations relating to the hiring/firing/disciplining/promoting of personnel (610.021(3) RSMo.).
- Adjourn closed session.
Feb. 7 at 8:30 a.m. — Regular Open Meeting
Call to order — Margaret F. Eckelkamp, Chair
- Director’s Comments — Jason Sumners, Director
- Presentation: Department Partnerships — Jason Jensen, Community & Private Land Conservation Branch Chief
- Public Comment: Leon Michel of Shannon County to comment on timber resources in Shannon County.
- Presentation: Communications Update — Heather Feeler, Communications Branch Chief
- Action Item: Consideration of items on the Consent Calendar (to be approved with a single action unless any Commission member requests an item be removed and taken up separately). Items removed will be addressed as the last action item on the meeting agenda.
Regulations Committee
- Action Items: Report of the Regulations Committee, including recommendations for changes to the Wildlife Code identified during the annual review — Laura Conlee, Deputy Director and Chair, Regulations Committee
- Presentation: Patterns of Non-Resident Hunting Participation in Missouri — Charles Anderson, Science Unit Supervisor
Administration - Budget
- Presentations: Financial Report and Fiscal Year 2025 Mid-Year Review of Revenue and Expenditure Trends — Melanie Crane, Chief Budget Officer
Infrastructure Management Branch
- Presentation: Major Construction Projects Status Report — Jacob Careaga, Infrastructure Management Branch Chief
- Realty Committee — Aaron Jeffries, Deputy Director and Chair, Realty Committee
- Action Item: Recommendation for approval to purchase 3.28 acres in St. Francois County from Kammermann Exterminating Co.
- Action Item: Recommendation for approval to purchase 153 acres in St. Clair County as an addition to Wah’Kon-Tah Prairie Conservation Area.
- Action Item: Recommendation for approval to dispose of the 9.7 acres Buttin Rock Access in Shannon County via a competitive bid process.
Statewide Resource Management
- Action Item: Recommendation for approval to advertise and sell an estimated 2,927,499 board feet of timber located on 733 acres of Compartment 20, Current River Conservation Area in Shannon County — Michael Bill, Forestry Section Chief
- Action Item: Consideration of items removed from the Consent Calendar, if any.
- Legislative Update — Aaron Jeffries, Deputy Director
- GRHA and MDC Partnership
Other matters of interest.
Items on the following Consent Calendar either require Commission Action (if noted) or may be written reports presented for Commission information only. The Consent Calendar covers routine items to be taken up by the Commission as the first order of business and approved with a single action. Any Commission member may request an item be removed from the Consent Calendar to be addressed individually. Any Commission member may abstain from voting on an item without removing it by specifying the item number and his/her desire to abstain prior to the vote. Items removed from the Consent Calendar are taken up in numerical order as called for by the Commission Chair or as listed on the regular meeting agenda.
- C.1 Action Item: Approval of minutes of previous open meeting(s).
- C.2 Action Item: Recommendation for approval to suspend or revoke one or more hunting, fishing, or trapping privileges of individuals for cause — Chad John, Internal Auditor
- C.3 Action Item: Recommendation for approval to suspend or revoke hunting privileges of individual(s) who inflicted injury to another person while hunting — Chad John, Internal Auditor
- C.4 Quarterly Permit Suspensions/Revocations Report — Chad John, Internal Auditor
- C.5 Personnel Changes Report — Tom Neubauer, Human Resources Branch Chief
- C.6 Information Technology Projects Status Report — Douglas Fees, Information Technology Branch Chief