Monday Morning Eye-Opener November 6, 2023

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November 6, 2023

Space Utilization Grants ...

space use grants


Applications Now Open Inside

The State Library of Iowa is pleased to announce that we are offering six space utilization grants of up to $3,000 each.  This news was announced in the Eye-Opener last week, now this week the grant applications are open.  The grant period will close March 31, 2024 or when all six grants have been awarded. Grant projects must be completed by the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2024. 

The process happens differently this year: all grant applications will be submitted through You will need to create an account in before applying (instructions are in red on the website)  Please note: it can take up to 72 hours for your account to be approved, so you are strongly encouraged to create your account before beginning your grant application.

Eligible Uses

These grants may be requested for the following consultation services.  Note there are currently two building consultants listed on our website who are willing to work with Iowa libraries on projects, but you may find other qualified building consultants who are also interested in doing the work.

  • Space Needs Assessment: Building consultant will help make the best use of the current space in the library and determine the area needed for the library's programs and services.
  • Building Program Review: Building consultant will assist the library in writing and/or reviewing the library's building program statement
  • ADA Compliance Evaluation and Planning: Building consultant will advise on the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for libraries

About Space Utilization Grants

The State Library allocates federal funds to provide Iowa public libraries subgrants for consulting services on better utilization of existing library space.  These grants reimburse fees for professional advice from impartial consultants who provide recommendations to library directors, city officials, and the community about best use of  existing space. These particular grants have been funded by the State Library since 1994.

Thanks to Brenda Hall, State Library Program Director along with Jay Peterson, North Central District Consultant for this news.  Read more about this grant opportunity on our webpage linked below, direct any questions about this project to Jay Peterson  ( ) 515-249-4513.

 Read More About Space Utilization Grants


Save The Date For ILOC 2024!


Coming January 25th

Continuing Education Consultant Samantha Bouwers sends this invitation to Iowa library staff and trustees: The State Library invites you to submit session proposals for the annual ILOC Conference to be held on Thursday January 25, 2024. The theme for the upcoming conference is “Libraries are Forever!”  With that theme in mind, we’re seeking proposals that will encourage attendees to consider sustainable operations, long-term outcomes, and all positive community differences that the library makes.”

The ILOC acronym stands for Innovative Libraries Online Conference, a popular kickoff to a new year of continuing education for now 17 years.  We’ve always encouraged ILOC day to be a staff development day, with library directors and boards allowing as many staff as possible to login all together and make it a day of learning. Some libraries are even able to close for the day, making the most of the ILOC Conference as staff development in real time.

To the 2024 theme “Libraries Are Forever,” staff and trustees who have demonstrated ways to prove that “our library is here to stay, making a difference in our community” are encouraged to submit a session proposal.  Ideas for presentation topics may include:

  • Sustainability in building operations (i.e. “green” improvements)
  • Library collaborations within a county or region
  • Positive interactions with other city services or departments
  • Programs that are making a noticeable impact in your community
  • Sustainable and alternative funding options
  • Innovative practices in strategic planning

Not sure if your idea is a good one? Watch this newly recorded Kernel for suggestions on what makes a good conference proposal. Please complete the 2024 ILOC Proposal Application by December 1, 2023.  Selected presenters will be notified by December 8.

Submit Your ILOC Proposal Today!


ILA Conference Highlights


State Library Staff Summaries 

State Library staff who attended the ILA Conference in Dubuque last month shared some of their favorite sessions with our team, which are all worthy of sharing here.  Last week’s Eye-Opener included three favorites, today here are another three. For all those who attended the conference this year and for those who couldn’t, these noteworthy ILA programs are summarized by Brenda Hall, Janee Jackson-Doering and Maryann Mori.

From Janee: Little Engines—On the Right Track For Early Literacy.  Presented by Dr. Zach Stier with Ericson Public Library in Boone and ISU Extension.  This program was interesting in that Boone Library staff are trying to reach families who don't have a print-rich environment at home.  As part of this reading program, families use Beanstack to complete reading tasks; all of the books and activities are provided to families at no cost.  Families receive a prize for completing all their badges. Boone PL has partnered with Orchard Place and other organizations. 

From Brenda:  Facility Needs Assessment. Bill Wilson with FEH Design presented a session on a building needs assessment that Wisconsin State Library just completed. WSL surveyed Wisconsin public libraries about the size and quality of their libraries, as well as hosted focus groups. The survey was an interesting look at the breadth of questions asked.  With the idea of “paying it forward,” this survey included questions regarding when major building upgrades took place, when inspections and space assessment took place, etc.

From Maryann: Community Development with Heart and Soul.  Presented by Crystal Duffy with Postville Public Library.  This was a good presentation outlining how this director is transforming the library into one that is meeting community needs by identifying what residents love about their community.  By downplaying community deficits, this approach asks people what they love about their community and what can be done to make it even better. That's the basic premise of Community Heart & Soul, a "resident-driven process that engages the entire population of a town in identifying what they love most about their community, what future they want for it, and how to achieve it."  

Thanks to Brenda, Janee, and Maryann for sharing some of their
favorite ILA sessions.  You’re welcome to contact them
with questions or contact the presenters directly.


This Week


Last Tuesday October 31 was Halloween—also the deadline to file the Public Library Annual Survey.  Scott Dermont reports that several libraries have not yet completed the Survey and urges everyone to please submit it as soon as possible.  Contact Scott with questions ( ) 515-281-7573


In Library Education This Week …

Skills For Community-Centered Libraries. 
Online November 7th  //  9:00-11:00AM

Pop YS Live: Reader’s Advisory for Kids and Teens. 
Online  November 8th  //  1:00-2:00PM

Library for the Blind—Braille and Tactiles. 
Online November 9th  //  1:00-2:00PM

Register For The Above Three Classes In IALearns


Important Note: The State of Iowa observes Veterans’ Day ( Nov11 )
this coming Friday November 10th.   Consequently, all State Library offices
will be closed this Friday, we’re back on Monday


Vets Day