Pictograph Cave State Park is a place to contemplate the origins of human habitation in Montana. The Pictograph Cave site was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1964, because of its archeological significance. Today's visitors can enjoy a unique opportunity to explore the mystery of this extraordinary site and tour the new visitor center.
Prehistoric hunters who camped in Pictograph Cave left behind artifacts and over 100 pictographs, or rock paintings. The oldest rock art in the cave is over 2,000 years old.
Their interpretations are still subject to debate. The images of animals, warriors and even rifles tell a story that has lasted thousands of years.
The park's three main caves - Pictograph, Middle, and Ghost cave - were home to generations of prehistoric hunters. The caves were carved from the Eagle sandstone cliff by the forces of water and wind. The first recorded discovery of artifacts and paintings in the caves was made in 1936.
Approximately 30,000 artifacts, ranging from stone tools, weapons, paintings and the instruments used, were excavated from the site. The pigments used in the rock art provide researchers to date when people inhabited the region and give insights into their lifestyle. The artifacts discovered allow researchers to pinpoint which native peoples used the caves and when they inhabited the region.
The park has a pleasant 3/4 loop trail to the caves, with interpretative displays along the route identifying and explaining the natural features, the prehistoric paintings and vegetation found in the area. Pictograph Cave is the deepest of the three main caves, at approximately 160 feet wide and 45 feet deep. Visitors are advised to bring binoculars to get a better view of the rock art. Allow at least an hour to enjoy the park, it's visitor center and trail. Also an excellent site for bird watching. There are picnic facilities available for day use only, but no camping is permitted.
Visitors are encouraged to enjoy the new Visitor Center's interpretive displays and gift shop.
The park is 23 acres in size and 3,500 feet in elevation.
Hours listed below are normal operating hours and may not apply when there is a special restriction or closure. Check Alerts and Closures in the tab below.
Summer Hours
Park and Visitor Center
Third Friday in May-Third Sunday in September
Open Daily
Park: 9 am - 7 pm
Visitor Center: 10 am - 5 pm
Winter Hours
Park and Visitor Center
Third Monday in September - Third Thursday in May
Open Wednesday - Sunday
Park: 9 am - 5 pm
Visitor Center: 10 am - 4 pm
Closed Monday & Tuesday, and Thanksgiving, Dec. 24, 25, 31 & Jan. 1
Contact the park manager for open volunteer positions at Pictograph Cave State Park.
For complete position descriptions, application forms, and details about Montana State Parks volunteer programs, visit the Volunteers page.