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The National Council on Aging

Falls Free CheckUp®

Stay healthy and independent by checking your risk for a fall.

There are many steps you can take to prevent a fall.

Answer 13 simple questions to get your falls risk score and resources to prevent falls.

I have fallen in the past year.*
I use or have been advised to use a cane or walker to get around safely.*
Sometimes I feel unsteady when I am walking.*
I steady myself by holding onto furniture when walking at home.*
I am worried about falling.*
I need to push with my hands to stand up from a chair.*
I have some trouble stepping up onto a curb.*
I often have to rush to the toilet.*
I have lost some feeling in my feet.*
I take medicine that sometimes makes me feel light-headed or more tired than usual.*
I take medicine to help me sleep or improve my mood.*
I often feel sad or depressed.*

* Required

Frequently Asked Questions:

Even healthy and active people can fall, and the risk of serious injury from a fall increases as we age. Several risk factors, such as osteoporosis or mild arthritis, are not related to how healthy you look or feel. Learn your risk for falls, so you can stay healthy, injury-free, and independent.

Evidence from CDC shows that answering these questions can help you and your health care provider better understand your risk for a fall. Answering these questions and sharing your report with your provider gives them additional information that can help you prevent a fall in the future. 

Research has shown that you can dramatically lower your risk of falling and serious injury. The first step in protecting yourself is learning if you're at risk and sharing this information with your health care provider.

While many falls do not result in injury, a potential injury from a fall can be serious. Fractures are the most common injury related to falls. More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling. Those who suffer from certain conditions such as osteoporosis are more likely to have a fracture from a fall.

Our Partners

This tool was created through a partnership between Amgen and the CDC Foundation with leveraged technical resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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