



CreatINg Livable Communities

IHCDA AARP Creating Places Partnership Logos
Participants at folding table during a pickleball tournament
In an effort to further the missions of both AARP’s Livable Communities program and IHCDA’s CreatINg Places crowdgranting program, CreatINg Livable Communities (CLC) is a pilot partnership that assists Indiana communities in funding projects that support aging in place. Eligible applicants who apply to participate in IHCDA’s CreatINg Places program and meet additional AARP Indiana project requirements may be considered for additional sponsorship funding through the supplemental program. All projects must meet CreatINg Places guidelines and must raise between $5,000 and $50,000 in crowdfunded community dollars to be considered for IHCDA’s match, as well as AARP Indiana’s CLC sponsorship funds.

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What is a livable community?

It is a community that is safe and secure. It offers choices in where to live and how to get around. And, it equitably serves residents of all ages, ability levels, incomes, races, ethnicities, and other backgrounds.

It is with that idea in mind that AARP Indiana and the Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority (IHCDA) are partnering for CreatINg Livable Communities (CLC).

CLC is a pilot partnership that assists Indiana communities in funding projects to support aging in place. AARP Indiana will provide additional funding to five CreatINg Places projects that benefit Hoosiers over 50.

Projects must provide a clear and tangible benefit to Hoosiers 50-plus. Selected projects must satisfy at least three of the following additional criteria:

  • Describe how the project has clear ties to one or more existing efforts to make the community more livable for Hoosiers 50-plus?
  • Describe how your project will promote diversity, equity, and inclusion for Hoosiers 50-plus?
  • What is your plan to engage residents, key stakeholders, and volunteers over 50 in project implementation?
    • List out groups or partner organizations that you plan to work with.
  • Are you planning an event, celebration or gathering?
    • Yes or No
  • Does your project advance or relate to one of AARP Indiana’s key priorities for Hoosiers 50-plus:
    • Transportation and Mobility options
    • Housing options
    • Digital Connections
    • Caregiving
    • Community Health and Economic Empowerment
    • Other - Please specify

Learn more and find the program guidelines at Questions? Contact Bridget Anderson at

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