Coming Soon: A New NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS) System!

Reflecting the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) ongoing commitment to public access support at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and beyond, we are pleased to announce that a new NIHMS system will be released in early 2020. This new system aims to streamline the submission process, ensure the continued quality of manuscripts made publicly accessible, and give authors and investigators more transparent options for avoiding processing delays.

Those familiar with the current NIHMS system will find the basic steps of submitting, reviewing, and approving manuscripts for inclusion in PMC unchanged in the new system. They will see an updated user interface that simplifies the login process for returning users; provides contextual help throughout; and offers user-friendly options for importing article metadata, requesting corrections, and taking over the Reviewer role for stalled submissions. Details of these updates and more are available in this video:

By investing in NIHMS, our goal is to continue to ensure the public has access to publicly and privately funded research results. Please contact the NIHMS help desk if you have any questions. We’ll continue to provide updates as an official release date becomes available.

The NIH developed the NIHMS system to facilitate the submission of peer-reviewed manuscripts for inclusion in PubMed Central (PMC) in support of the NIH Public Access Policy. NIHMS has been operated by the NLM since its inception in 2005 and has processed over 725,000 submissions in that time. In the ensuing years, it has expanded to support the public access policies of numerous other funding organizations and government agencies.

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