Public Safety Office

The Governor’s Public Safety Office administers more than $580 million in federal and state grant funding to promote strategies that improve public safety, support victims of crime, prevent terrorism, and prepare communities for the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk to Texans.
Our office consists of teams focusing on Border Security, Terrorism Preparedness Programs, Victims Services, Justice Programs, Child Sex Trafficking, Crime Stoppers, and our Sexual Assault Survivors Task Force.
For more information on PSO’s programs and operations, read PSO’s Biennial Report to the Legislature.
We are also proud to administer the Governor’s Star of Texas Awards.
Online Services
eGrants – eGrants is the online grant management system used by Public Safety Office programs; follow the link to register for an account, submit and certify an application(s), and then manage any grant(s) awarded to your agency.
Report Concerns
- State Auditor’s Office Fraud Hotline: 1-800-TX-AUDIT
- View the State Auditor’s website for more information on reporting fraud, waste, or abuse.
- Discrimination complaint form to help file a discrimination complaint concerning the implementation or administration of federal assistance from the U.S. Department of Justice or the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.