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Behavioral and Physical Health and Aging Services Administration (BPHASA)
The Behavioral and Physical Health and Aging Services Administration (BPHASA) combines Michigan's Medicaid office, services for aging adults and community-based services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, serious mental illness, and substance use disorders under one umbrella within MDHHS. BPHASA is also the designated State Unit on Aging. The new structure integrates MDHHS teams that focus on aging and long-term care issues and allows BPHASA to develop innovative policies that benefit our state and its residents. The restructure also builds upon the administration's existing efforts to deliver services to adults with mild to moderate mental illness.
BPHASA reflects the MDHHS values of human dignity, opportunity, perseverance, ease and equity, and supports the intentions of older adults who prefer to age in place - defined by the CDC as "the ability to live in one's own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably." It will allow for more in-depth analysis of MDHHS' work and impact and expand capacity across programs and services. BPHASA provides alignment with long-term care support and services to community-based services through the federal Older Americans Act; Behavioral Health HCBS Waivers, the MI Choice Waiver Program that allows eligible aging adults to receive Medicaid-covered services like those provided by nursing homes, but can stay in their own home or another residential setting; the Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) that provides Medicaid and Medicare funding for frail, elderly people who meet the criteria for long-term care; and the Home Help program that provides personal care services to individuals who need hands-on assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and assistance with Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs).
Aging Services
Aging services help older adults live in the setting of their choice for as long as possible, and complement the care provided by family or friends.
Special Programs
Special programs have been developed and implemented over the years to complement core aging services offered through Michigan's aging network.
Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging
The Commission on Services to the Aging (CSA), a 15-member body appointed by the Governor, advises the Governor and Legislature on coordination and administration of state programs, changes in federal and state programs, and the nature and magnitude of aging priorities. The Commission also reviews and approves grants made by the Bureau of Aging, Community Living, and Supports (ACLS Bureau) and participates in development of the state plan and budget as required by the federal Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended. Commission meetings are held monthly and are open to the public.
Nursing Home Workforce Stabilization Council
The Nursing Home Workforce Stabilization Council acts in an advisory capacity to the Governor and the Director of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The Council must review, develop, and recommend policies, administrative actions, legislative changes, and other approaches to support nursing home quality care.
State Advisory Council on Aging (SAC)
The State Advisory Council on Aging (SAC) is the research and advocacy arm of the Commission on Services to the Aging (CSA). Up to 40 Council members are appointed by the Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging.
News Room
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Contact Us
Contact information for Bureau of Aging Community Living and Supports
State Plan on Aging
The Bureau of Aging, Community Living, and Supports, as Michigan's State Unit on Aging, is responsible for developing and administering a multi-year State Plan on Aging that provides goals and objectives related to assisting older residents, their families, and caregivers.
Adult Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability
Adult Behavioral Health & Developmental Disability Services
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
SHIP is Michigan's free, unbiased resource to help you navigate Medicare.
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Care and Living Programs
Publications and Reports
For Agencies and Service Providers