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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District

The Louisville District is a diverse, innovative, professional organization providing engineering solutions for the region and nation -- executing over a $1 billion program annually. Established in 1886, today our world-class workforce of more than 1,200 people work in the five-state area of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and Ohio to reduce disaster risk, strengthen the economy, and support national security.

Mission: Deliver engineering solutions in collaboration with our partners in order to reduce disaster risk, strengthen the economy and support national security.

Vision: A professional organization that provides quality solutions for the region and nation with a focus on continual improvement, workforce development and efficient mission execution.

Here at the Louisville District, we have experts in fields as unique as our people. We build things that matter and use really cool tools. The world is our office, and our dedicated team of military officers and Army civilians continues to answer the nation’s call by always building strong.

News Releases

USACE Louisville District to begin releasing water from Buckhorn and Carr Creek lakes today
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District continues to monitor the dams at Buckhorn Lake, Buckhorn, Kentucky, and Carr Creek Lake, Sassafras, Kentucky, following severe flooding in eastern...
USACE Louisville District prepares for possible flooding impacts across Kentucky
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District is actively monitoring this weekend’s forecasted heavy rainfall and preparing for potential moderate flooding across Kentucky...
Fire damages vacant former Nolin River Lake Project Office
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District was notified of an early morning fire at Nolin River Lake in Bee Spring, Kentucky, which caused extensive damage to the vacant former Nolin River...
  • Louisville District Leadership


            Col. L. Reyn Mann             Lt. Col. Guillermo Guandique                    John R. Bock
                       Commander                           Deputy Commander                     Deputy for Programs
                                                                                                                                     and Project Management 

Contact Us

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District
600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Place
Louisville, KY 40202

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