United States Patent and Trademark Office

The USPTO’s COVID-19 Response Resource Center is a central hub for information about the USPTO’s efforts and other helpful information in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Learn about the various actions the USPTO is taking to accelerate innovation, keep our stakeholders informed of recent developments, and promote new technologies.

For USPTO notices regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, please go to www.uspto.gov/coronavirus.

Patent and licensing resources

Are you an inventor, entrepreneur, or business interested in contributing to critical medical technologies? Learn about the USPTO's Patent Pro Bono Program and explore other resources for inventors and small businesses.

Innovation incentives

The United States patent system incentivizes and protects innovation. It also promotes investment and economic growth. To further boost American innovation, the USPTO has launched a prioritized examination pilot program for inventions related to the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of COVID-19, and encourages voluntary early publication of patent applications.

Trademarks, counterfeiting, and fraud

The USPTO has a number of incentives to accommodate trademark stakeholders, including efforts to combat potential abuses related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Click on the links below to learn more about these programs.

International updates

Are you an innovator or IP practitioner navigating the IP landscape during the COVID-19 outbreak? The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) provides helpful updates about IP treaties. WIPO has also compiled information from foreign IP offices on measures taken to assist stakeholders during the health crisis. In addition, our partner IP offices rounding out the IP5—the world’s five largest intellectual property offices—have undertaken initiatives relating to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Contact us

The USPTO witnesses the amazing creativity and ingenuity of American innovation on a daily basis. Our stakeholders are well suited to devise innovative solutions to the ongoing pandemic. Please email us if you have any recommendations or suggestions for us to consider as we assist the IP community.