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The North Carolina State Board of Education (SBE) and Department of Public Instruction
(DPI), in consultation and response to guidelines issued by the North Carolina
Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), have developed guidance to
support public school units (PSUs) and communities in determining their plans and
strategies for reopening schools. Lighting Our Way Forward: Summary Document
provides an overview and synthesis of NCDHHS requirements, clear, actionable steps
that are advisable before students and employees return to school buildings, and
guidance that is applicable throughout the 2020-2021 school year. This Summary
Document includes links to the more comprehensive and detailed Lighting Our Way
Forward: North Carolina’s Guidebook for Reopening Public Schools. The Guidebook is a
living document that will continue to capture the most current information to help guide
districts and communities.
This approach is built upon the guidance and recommendations of public health officials;
it is strongly aligned to the reopening guidelines that have been provided by our state and
federal leaders; and it’s designed to help districts prioritize the health and safety of
students and teachers as they open school buildings and deliver instruction for the 2020-
2021 school year.
The Lighting Our Way Forward: Summary Document focuses heavily on operational
guidance for district and school leaders based on the health and physical requirements
necessary for reopening school buildings. As impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic unfold,
the SBE and DPI will continue to provide guidance and recommendations to districts and
schools on navigating the academic, social, and emotional effects on students and
Lighting Our Way Forward: Summary Document provides considerations, recommendations, and best practices to ensure
a safe and successful 2020-2021 school year. Outside of requirements designated by Executive Orders issued by the
Governor’s Office, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, North Carolina General Statute, or North
Carolina State Board of Education Policy, the guidance and recommendations contained within this document is not
mandated. PSUs have the authority and flexibility to meet their individual needs and be responsive to their communities.
• Reopening Plans and Scheduling
• Student Health & Safety
• Employee Health, Safety & Support
• Social & Emotional Learning & Mental Health
• Operations:
• Facilities
• School Nutrition
• Transportation
• Before and After-School Programming
• Athletics and Extra-Curricular
• Communicating & Combating Misinformation
• Student Learning
• Instructional Planning
• Special Populations
• Resources
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Families and students should use this guidance to understand what health practices will be in place when students return to school. All
public schools will be required to follow certain health practices directed in DHHS guidelines noted as “required.” Many schools may also
choose to implement some or all of the recommended practices.
Local education leaders are encouraged to use this guidance to understand what health practices they must meet, and to develop detailed
district and school plans for how to implement all required health practices directed by DHHS guidelines. The operational guidance provided
in this Summary Document and more detailed Guidebook should be used in combination with The Health Guidance Toolkit provided by
DHHS. Districts and schools should develop strategies to implement the health guidance in schools and to address other non-health areas
for reopening planning, including scheduling supports, how to approach instructional practice, and providing staff training.
Click the links or photo strip on
each page for in-depth
information about each topic.
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Educators, Parents, and Caretakers –
Together, we have faced the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19. This virus has threatened our health, our economy, our students’ education, and
even our way of life. Thank you to all the students, all the educators, and all the parents across North Carolina for the difficult sacrifices you have all made
to confront this crisis.
Your NC education and health leaders strive to return as many students and teachers back to classrooms as safely as possible this fall.
We are excited to move forward in the expectation that we will start the upcoming school year with students back in school buildings. As you know, COVID- 19 will present unique challenges as we welcome back students, staff, and families. Given these challenges, the NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI),
along with the help and feedback of many diverse stakeholders, has drafted this Lighting Our Way Forward guidance to provide operational strategies for
schools that can help to implement the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) requirements and recommendations released on
Monday, June 8, 2020.
Our goal is to provide a roadmap that supports reopening schools to make this enormous task less difficult for our districts, schools, and communities.
It is our honor and privilege to serve and support North Carolina’s education communities, including students, parents, caretakers, educators, and local
leaders. We express our deepest appreciation for the commitment of all stakeholders to educate, feed, and support the over 1.5 million students during this
COVID-19 crisis. Your dedication has been extraordinary. Thank you for your service to your communities and our state.
Eric C. Davis
Chair, NC State Board of Education
Mark Johnson
State Superintendent
N.C. Department of Public Instruction
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COVID-19: Reopening Plans School Facilities and Students Health Precautions *
Minimal Social Distancing
Will be implemented assuming state COVID-19 metrics
continue to stabilize and/or move in a positive direction. All
requirements in this guidance apply to Plan
All students in school at same time
Enhanced health protocols
See DHHS requirements and recommendations
Moderate Social Distancing
Will be required if state COVID-19 metrics worsen and it is
determined additional restrictions are necessary. All
requirements in this guidance apply, with additional
requirements noted for Plan B only.
Limit student density in facilities to no
greater than 50% occupancy
Enhanced health protocols
See DHHS requirements and recommendations
Under Plan B only, schools are required to adhere to all
requirements outlined above AND:
• Ensure sufficient social distancing with at least 6 feet
between people at all times in school facilities and on
school transportation vehicles.
• Limit density of people in school facilities and
transportation vehicles to no greater than 50%
maximum occupancy to ensure social distancing of at
least 6 feet apart between people.
Remote Learning
Would be implemented only if state COVID-19 metrics
worsen significantly enough to require suspension of in- person instruction and the implementation of remote
learning for all students, based on the remote learning plans
required by Session Law 2020-3. The requirements listed in
this guidance would not apply, as children and staff would
not be gathering together in groups on school grounds.
No students in school facilities
All at home
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Social Distancing, Cleaning & Hygiene, Monitoring Symptoms, Managing COVID-19 Cases, Communications
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Symptoms Monitoring, Protecting Vulnerable Populations, Coping & Resilience, Employment, Leave
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Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, Determine Learning Needs, Athletics & Extra Curricular, Before & After School
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North Carolina COVID-19
Considerations for Schools
Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility
Reopening Guidance
Coping with Stress
Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2
Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19
Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and
State Board of Education gratefully acknowledge the
collaborative expertise and creativity of district and school
leaders, community partners, national organizations, and
state leadership for the collaboration that inspired the
creation of the Lighting Our Way Forward: North
Carolina's Guidebook on Reopening K-12 Public Schools
and Lighting Our Way Forward: Summary Document.
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