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Louisiana Medicaid Program

undefined Louisiana Medicaid Program?

The Louisiana Medicaid Program is a federally funded program, which provides health coverage to Louisiana residents, within certain groups, based on income and resource limits set by Congress. Medicaid provides a complete package of medical coverage for those who qualify. Generally, eligible recipients of benefits include low income individuals, low income families with children, low-income elderly, and persons with disabilities. Persons who are entitled to Medicare Part A and/or Part B are also eligible. Mandatory medical services included under Medicaid are: inpatient and outpatient hospital services; physician services; laboratory and x-ray services; long-term care facilities (nursing homes); family planning; services for early periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment (EPSDT) of those under age 21. To receive benefits, you must complete an application. We will make a decision and you will be notified within 45 days (with some exceptions) after you apply. If your application is based on disability, it may take up to 90 days. Coverage can start as early as 3 months before the month you apply. This is why you should get this form to us as soon as you can.

The Louisiana Medicaid Program is a federally funded program, which provides health coverage to Louisiana residents, within certain groups, based on income and resource limits set by Congress. Medicaid provides a complete package of medical coverage for those who qualify. Generally, eligible recipients of benefits include low income individuals, low income families with children, low-income elderly, and persons with disabilities. Persons who are entitled to Medicare Part A and/or Part B are also eligible. Mandatory medical services included under Medicaid are: inpatient and outpatient hospital services; physician services; laboratory and x-ray services; long-term care facilities (nursing homes); family planning; services for early periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment (EPSDT) of those under age 21. To receive benefits, you must complete an application. We will make a decision and you will be notified within 45 days (with some exceptions) after you apply. If your application is based on disability, it may take up to 90 days. Coverage can start as early as 3 months before the month you apply. This is why you should get this form to us as soon as you can.

undefined Louisiana Medicaid Program?

To be eligible for Louisiana Medicaid, you must be a resident of the state of Louisiana, a U.S. national, citizen, permanent resident, or legal alien, in need of health care/insurance assistance, whose financial situation would be characterized as low income or very low income. You must also be one of the following:

  • Pregnant, or
  • Be responsible for a child 18 years of age or younger, or
  • Blind, or
  • Have a disability or a family member in your household with a disability, or
  • Be 65 years of age or older.

In order to qualify, you must have an annual household income (before taxes) that is below the following amounts:

Annual Household Income Limits (before taxes)
Household Size*Maximum Income Level (Per Year)

*For households with more than eight people, add $7,155 per additional person. Always check with the appropriate managing agency to ensure the most accurate guidelines.

If you need help filling out the application or have questions about Louisiana's Medicaid Program, call the Medicaid Hotline toll free at:

The deaf may call us on our TTY number toll free at:

Download an application for Medicaid.

Other medical services that are available in Louisiana are listed on our website.
