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Conservation Transect

The state of Indiana has conducted periodic surveys of agricultural land since 1989. These surveys are primarily designed to gather information on various agricultural practices, including tillage and cover crops. Currently the various partners from the Indiana Conservation Partnership (ICP), led by the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA) conduct an annual survey in each county in the state to estimate the adoption of cover crops, and post-harvest tillage.

Click on counties in the map below to see statistics from the 2024 Conservation Survey. Click the layers list icon (stacked squares) in the top right of the map to turn layers on and off.

Historical Data

As conservation work has changed over time, the conservation survey has been modified to better measure current conservation goals. At its inception the transect was designed to measure tillage and residue cover. In 2011 the survey efforts were expanded to include collecting data on cover crops. In 2014, a second fall survey was started as a specific effort to measure cover crops.

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