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August 21, 2020
I issue this Amended Public Health Order (PHO or Order) pursuant to the Governor’s directive
in Executive Order D 2020 091 as amended by Executive Orders D 2020 123, D 2020 142, D
2020 144, and D 2020 170 in response to the existence of thousands of confirmed and
presumptive cases of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and related deaths across the State
of Colorado. Further, as there is substantial evidence of community spread of COVID-19
throughout the State, it is crucial to take measures now that can mitigate further spread of disease
in our communities.
1. Governor Polis issued Executive Order D 2020 003 on March 11, 2020, declaring a
disaster emergency in Colorado due to the presence of COVID-19. Since that time, the
Governor has taken numerous steps to implement measures to mitigate the spread of disease
within Colorado, and has further required that several public health orders be issued to
implement his orders.
2. I have issued public health orders pertaining to the limitation of visitors and nonessential
individuals in skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities, and assisted living
residences; closing bars and restaurants to in-person services; defining the terms of the
Governor’s stay at home requirements and critical business designations; requiring hospitals to
report information relevant to the COVID-19 response; and requiring the wearing of face
coverings in the workplace and urging their use in public. These measures all act in concert to
reduce the exposure of individuals to disease, and are necessary steps to protect the health and
welfare of the public. Additionally, in reducing the spread of disease, these requirements help to
preserve the medical resources needed for those in our communities who fall ill and require
medical treatment, thus protecting both the ill patients and the healthcare workers who
courageously continue to treat patients.
3. As of August 20, 2020, there are 54,230 known cases of COVID-19 in Colorado, 6,797
Coloradans have been hospitalized and 1,815 Coloradans have died from COVID-19. Multiple
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Tenth Amended Public Health Order 20-28 Safer at Home
August 21, 2020
sources of data show that COVID-19 transmission and the use of healthcare due to COVID-19
have leveled off in Colorado. Our work to “flatten the curve” appears to be succeeding, and the
Governor has ordered some lessening of the current Safer at Home restrictions as a result.
4. Executive Order D 2020 091 Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors, as
amended by Executive Orders D 2020 123, D 2020 142, D 2020 144, and D 2020 170, still
strongly encourages that people at risk of severe illness from COVID-19, also known as
Vulnerable Individuals, remain at home or in the great outdoors as much as possible, but allows
limited reopening of postsecondary institutions and certain businesses. Additionally, individuals
are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible and practice Social Distancing to reduce the
likelihood of disease transmission, but certain activities, such as gathering in groups of no more
than ten for activities, are permitted. As we continue to combat COVID-19 in our communities,
continuing restrictions on individual travel and necessary activities remain appropriate.
This Order sets forth the requirements for implementation of Safer at Home and in the Vast,
Great Outdoors, as directed by Governor Polis. Individual restrictions remain in place
concerning limitations on activities, travel, and public gatherings. Workplace restrictions remain
necessary to implement standard Social Distancing Requirements, cleaning standards, and
other items necessary to reduce the possibility of disease spread. Additionally, certain
businesses and activities require specific guidance based on their business practices, and those
are included in the appendices to this Order.
This Order supersedes and replaces Public Health Orders 20-22 and 20-24, as amended.
I. Safer at Home and in the Vast, Great Outdoors
A. All individuals currently living within the State of Colorado are encouraged
to stay at home or in the vast, great outdoors and avoid unnecessary interactions whenever
possible in order to reduce the spread of disease. Individuals living in shared or outdoor
spaces must at all times, to the greatest extent possible, comply with Social Distancing
Requirements, defined in Section III below, and are encouraged to leave their residences
only to perform or utilize Necessary Activities, defined in Section III below.
B. Individuals are urged to wear non-medical cloth face coverings that cover
the nose and mouth whenever in public as required by Executive Order D 2020 091 as
amended by Executive Orders D 2020 123, D 2020 142, D 2020 144, and D 2020 170.
Additionally, pursuant to Executive Order D 2020 138 as amended and extended by
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Tenth Amended Public Health Order 20-28 Safer at Home
August 21, 2020
Executive Order D 2020 164, all individuals must wear face coverings in public indoor
spaces, as that term is defined in the Executive Order 2020 138, unless the individual is 10
years of age or younger, cannot medically tolerate a face covering, or is performing one of
the enumerated activities in Section II.M of Executive Order D 2020 138 as amended and
extended by Executive Order D 2020 164.
C. All public and private gatherings are limited to no more than ten (10)
individuals, except for the purposes expressly permitted in this PHO, which include
Necessary Activities. Nothing in this Order prohibits the gathering of members living in
the same residence.
D. People at risk of severe illness from COVID-19 are urged to stay in their
residence at all times except as necessary to seek medical care. People at risk of severe
illness from COVID-19 cannot be compelled to work for any business or government
function, including a Critical Business or Critical Government Function, during the
pendency of this pandemic emergency. People who are sick must stay in their residence at
all times except as necessary to seek medical care, and must not go to work, even for a
Critical Business, defined in Section III below.
E. Individuals who are sick or are experiencing flu-like symptoms should get
tested for COVID-19. If an individual has tested positive for COVID-19 and/or has
developed symptoms of COVID-19, including early or mild symptoms (such as cough and
shortness of breath), they should be in isolation (staying away from others) until they are
released by public health. In most cases, individuals are released from isolation when they
are fever-free, without medication, for twenty-four (24) hours, other symptoms have
improved, and at least ten (10) days have passed since symptoms first appeared. A limited
number of people with severe illness may require longer isolation. Coloradans who are
sick and receive negative COVID-19 test results should continue to stay home while they
are sick and should consult with their healthcare provider about the need for additional
testing and the appropriate time to resume normal activities.
F. Governmental and other entities are strongly urged to make shelter available
to people experiencing homlessness as soon as possible and to the maximum extent
practicable, and are authorized to take all reasonable steps necessary to provide
non-congregate sheltering along with necessary support services to members of the public
in their jurisdiction as necessary to protect all members of the community. People
experiencing homelessness are urged to protect their health and safety by complying with
Social Distancing Requirements at all times.