Do to some recent security updates, some users are experiencing issues registering for a new Lake Service Provider Permit. Please log out of the application and then log back in. This should resolve any issues you may be experiencing. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Invasive Species Training

List of Permitted Lake Service Providers

If you are hiring a lake service provider business, here are the businesses that are currently permitted.

  • Businesses renewing this year are scheduled to take training but currently do not show up on the list. As soon as businesses complete training and get their new permits, they are listed here.
  • Some businesses work in more than one county.

If you are a business owner that has attended training and do not see your business listed

The list of permitted lake service providers is made available for the convenience of the public only. The State of Minnesota and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources neither endorse the services listed nor accept any liability arising from the use of the services listed.

Check the counties to be included in the list, then click the go! button at right.

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