Bringing Change To the Quarter

Safely connecting communities today while investing in people for a better tomorrow

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I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project Update

The project has been awarded a $450 million federal grant and has been given environmental approval from the Federal Highway Administration.

Read about the grant here and the environmental review here.

Project Improvements

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A new highway cover over I-5 that will reconnect local streets and create new community spaces on top for future development and economic opportunities.

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Please note that this graphic is conceptual, and the project design and cover shape may change as design progresses.

Did you know?

I-5 between I-84 and I-405 is the top traffic bottleneck in Oregon and the 28th worst freight bottleneck in the nation as of 2021.

This section of I-5 has 3.5 times more crashes than the statewide average and some of the highest traffic volumes in the state.

In the project area, there is an average of 12 hours of congestion each day. As congestion and safety issues increase, travel on I-5 between I-84 and I-405 becomes less reliable for drivers and freight movement.

The highway lacks full shoulders in many spots, making it difficult to clear accidents and for emergency vehicles to respond quickly.

Safe and accessible bike and pedestrian facilities are lacking on neighborhood streets in the project area, making it challenging to navigate for people walking, biking and rolling.

Project Timeline

2017: Oregon legislators pass House Bill 2017 which partially funds the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and ODOT initiate the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental review process.

2018: City of Portland adopts the Central City 2035 Plan and 2035 Transportation System Plan, both of which include the project. In addition, Metro includes the project in its 2018 Regional Transportation Plan.

2019: ODOT and FHWA release the NEPA Environmental Assessment (EA) followed by a 45-day public comment period.

2020: ODOT issues notice of intent to award a Construction Manager/General Contractor. ODOT and FHWA prepare a Revised Environmental Assessment, and FHWA signs a Finding of No Significant Impact for the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project.

2021: ODOT releases an updated design package reflecting community input from the 2019 Environmental Assessment, an Independent Cover Assessment and an Environmental Peer Review. Project advisory committees recommend adoption of the Proposed Hybrid 3 Cover Concept design option as an outcome of the Independent Cover Assessment process.

2022: ODOT and FHWA release a Supplemental Environmental Assessment incorporating the new design package updates, followed by a 50-day public comment period.

2023: In response to public comments made during the project’s Supplemental Environmental Assessment comment period, ODOT implemented design refinements. These involve a new flyover southbound I-5 off-ramp and a bicycle/pedestrian-only bridge over I-5 near the Moda Center that will enhance safety by reducing conflicts between cars and trucks and people walking, biking or rolling in the area.

2024 The FHWA reviewed the Project’s Revised Supplemental Environmental Assessment and determined the Project would have no significant impact on the natural or human environment. FHWA’s decision is formalized in a Finding of No Significant Impact. This decision means ODOT has federal approval to proceed with the project and can continue moving forward with more detailed project design and construction. The project was also a recipient of the US Department of Transportation’s (USDOT) Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods grant, in the amount of $450 million. We are finalizing a grant agreement and scope of work associated with the funding with USDOT in the coming months.

Project Next Steps: The project is working to advance Early Work Packages A, B and C to final design, advance the Main Construction Package to final design, and begin construction on the initial, central part of the highway cover. ODOT also is continuing conversations with the community, City of Portland, and other partners to position for further funding opportunities.

Select a node on the timeline to learn more.


During the 1950s and 60s, construction of the federal interstate system displaced more than a million Americans and had a profoundly negative impact on communities of color.

In Portland, generations of Black families in the Albina neighborhood still experience the lasting harm from the loss of their homes, businesses, places of worship and social gathering spaces. The construction of I-5, the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, Portland Public School headquarters and "urban renewal" projects divided and displaced communities in North and Northeast Portland.

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