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Annual Report/Fact Sheets

Collective Impact Teams


Youth & Family Voice

​​News and Events​​​​​

When youth feel heard they feel better. 

We encourage you to Listen & Connect with young people always and particularly during Children's Mental Health Week. 

Explore our new resources featuring recommendations and insights of Wisconsin high school students on our Children's Mental Health Week 2024 page.  


Celebrate Our 10th Anniversary!

Join the Office of Children’s Mental Health as we celebrate 10 years of children’s mental health in Wisconsin throughout the remainder of 2024.

Learn more on our special webpage.

School Shootings &​ Youth Mental Health Fact Sheet Release

School shootings have a traumatic effect not only on the children in the school, but also their teachers, families, and community as a whole. This trauma can cause long-term harm to youth mental health and well-being.

​​Learn more in our newest fact sheet.

Now available in Spanish and Hmong.


If you have difficulty accessing our materials, or using our website, please let us know by emailing OCMH@wi.gov​
We take digital accessibility seriously and welcome the opportunity to remove any barriers in accessing content.


Do you need help now? Call, text or chat​ 988​ Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
Find additional resources at our Support for Families page.