Bill Information > SB 5993
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SB 5993 - 2019-20
Reforming the financial structure of the model toxics control program.
Sponsors: Frockt, Billig, Liias, Hunt
Bill History



Mar 26
First reading, referred to Ways & Means. (View Original Bill)
Mar 27
Public hearing in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 3:30 PM. (Committee Materials)
Apr 18
Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Ways & Means at 9:00 AM. (Committee Materials)
WM - Majority; 1st substitute bill be substituted, do pass. (View 1st Substitute)
Minority; do not pass.
Apr 19
Rules suspended.
Placed on second reading.
Apr 25
1st substitute bill substituted (WM 19). (View 1st Substitute)
Floor amendment(s) adopted.
Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
Third reading, passed; yeas, 27; nays, 22; absent, 0; excused, 0. (View 1st Engrossed)


Apr 26
First reading, referred to Finance.
Apr 27
Public hearing and executive action taken in the House Committee on Finance at 11:30 AM. (Committee Materials)
FIN - Majority; do pass with amendment(s).
Minority; do not pass.
Placed on second reading.
Committee amendment not adopted.
Rules suspended. Placed on Third Reading.
Third reading, passed; yeas, 50; nays, 48; absent, 0; excused, 0.


Apr 28
President signed.


Apr 28
Speaker signed.


Apr 30
Delivered to Governor. (View Bill as Passed Legislature)
May 21
Governor signed.
Chapter 422, 2019 Laws. (View Session Law)
Effective date 7/1/2019.
Available Documents
For a complete list of documents, go to Online Reports Text of a Legislative Document.
Fiscal Note
Amendment Name Num Sponsor Type Description Action
5993 AMS FROC S4449.1 787 Frockt Floor Pg 5 Ln 19 WITHDRAWN 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS BRAU MOOR 074 796 Braun Floor Pg 30 Ln 18 NOT ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS BRAU S4425.1 763 Braun Floor Pg 2 Ln 37 NOT ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS BRAU S4429.1 774 Braun Floor Pg 2 Ln 26 NOT ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS BRAU S4469.1 785 Braun Floor Pg 31 Ln 6 NOT ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS BRAU S4530.1 797 Braun Floor Pg 2 Ln 27 NOT ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS ERIC MOOR 077 794 Ericksen Floor Pg 3 Ln 25 NOT ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS ERIC S4453.1 790 Ericksen Floor Pg 9 Ln 8 NOT ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS ERIC S4519.2 792 Ericksen Floor Pg 30 Ln 17 NOT ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS ERIC S4527.1 791 Ericksen Floor Pg 9 Ln 17 NOT ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS FROC S4449.2 799 Frockt Floor Pg 5 Ln 19 ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS FROC S4525.3 798 Frockt Floor Pg 1 Ln 11 ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS SHOR S4529.2 793 Short Floor Pg 2 Ln 36 NOT ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S AMS WARN S4415.1 762 Warnick Floor Pg 30 Ln 17 NOT ADOPTED 04/25/2019
5993-S.E AMH CORR H3125.1 891 Corry Floor Pg 2 Ln 27 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH DENT H3132.2 889 Dent Floor Pg 30 Ln 27 NOT ADOPTED 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH DENT H3222.1 919 Dent Floor Pg 10 Ln 7 NOT ADOPTED 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH FIN H3193.1 Finance Committee Striker NOT ADOPTED 04/27/2019
      5993-S.E AMH CORR H3203.1 899 Corry Floor Pg 2 Ln 9 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
      5993-S.E AMH DENT H3208.1 898 Dent Floor Pg 30 Ln 5 OUT OF ORDER 04/27/2019
      5993-S.E AMH DENT H3217.1 913 Dent Floor Pg 9 Ln 25 OUT OF ORDER 04/27/2019
      5993-S.E AMH JENK H3204.1 916 Jenkin Floor Pg 9 Ln 5 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
      5993-S.E AMH KLIP H3202.1 902 Klippert Floor Pg 30 Ln 29 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
      5993-S.E AMH MACE H3199.1 900 MacEwen Floor Pg 30 Ln 5 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
      5993-S.E AMH STEE H3206.1 904 Steele Floor Pg 30 Ln 32 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
      5993-S.E AMH VANW H3207.1 896 Van Werven Floor Pg 2 Ln 18 OUT OF ORDER 04/27/2019
      5993-S.E AMH VICK H3201.1 905 Vick Floor Pg 2 Ln 8 OUT OF ORDER 04/27/2019
      5993-S.E AMH WALJ H3200.2 915 Walsh Floor Pg 2 Ln 19 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH GOEH H3128.1 894 Goehner Floor Pg 9 Ln 15 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH JENK H3130.1 895 Jenkin Floor Pg 9 Ln 24 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH KLIP H3124.1 890 Klippert Floor Pg 31 Ln 13 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH MACE H3121.1 901 MacEwen Floor Pg 30 Ln 27 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH ORCU H3127.1 893 Orcutt Floor Pg 3 Ln 34 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH STEE H3129.1 903 Steele Floor Pg 31 Ln 16 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH VANW H3131.1 897 Van Werven Floor Pg 2 Ln 36 NOT ADOPTED 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH VICK H3123.1 906 Vick Floor Pg 2 Ln 26 NOT ADOPTED 04/27/2019
5993-S.E AMH WALJ H3122.1 892 Walsh Floor Pg 2 Ln 37 WITHDRAWN 04/27/2019
Available Videos
(Video links take you to the TVW website)
Live video is available at the stated time. Archived video becomes available approximately two hours after the close of the hearing or floor session.
