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U.S. 97: Lower Bridge Way - NW 10th Street (Terrebonne)

Construction Phase

Region 4: Central Oregon (Terrebonne, Deschutes)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Safety improvements

construction banner


Construction Impacts


Crews will be working on the retaining walls on the east and west sides of the highway around Lower Bridge way. Smith Rock Way has re-opened with and flaggers controlling traffic. 

No highway delays are expected.​

​Click HERE​​ to download the Three Week Look Ahead construction schedule.​

*schedule is subject to change without notice​


terrebonne schedule.PNG
construction schedule graph

Advertisement: April 11, 2024  

Bid Date: May 2, 2024

Construction: July 2024-May 2026



photo of project area

This project will evaluate, design, and construct safety improvements on U.S. 97 through Terrebone. The current design includes an interchange at U.S. 97 and Lower Bridge Way, speed lowering interventions, and pedestrian safety improvements to reduce crashes and increase driver awareness.

This segment of U.S. 97 is located in the northern limits of Deschutes County and serves the greater Terrebonne area and a large residential development in Deschutes and Jefferson Counties, Crooked River Ranch, via the Lower Bridge Way/U.S. 97 intersection.  U.S. 97 is a statewide highway and designated freight route that travels through the center of the Deschutes County unincorporated community of Terrebonne. The segment of U.S. 97 pertaining to the Urban Design Concurrence form is located between approximately 1,500 feet north of the US97/Lower Bridge Way intersection (mile point 114.92) and approximately 1,000 feet north of the U.S. 97/NW Odem Avenue intersection (mile point 116.29).

The highway separates commercial, residential, and community land uses on the west and east sides of U.S. 97. North and south of Terrebonne, U.S. 97 is an access-controlled statewide highway.

There are components of the project along U.S. 97 and also several local streets within unincorporated community of Terrebonne. The purpose of the project to improve multimodal safety, accessibility, and efficiency along and across U.S. 97 within the unincorporated community of Terrebonne. The project aims to specifically address the following needs:

Ensure connectivity and access for all users in Terrebonne
Address U.S. 97/Lower Bridge Way safety for all road users
Maintain U.S. 97 as a key freight corridor

In addition, a fundamental component of the project is to address the U.S.97 highway transition north and south of Terrebonne to reduce travel speeds into the community . In order to achieve this objective, the project will provide traffic calming measures and speed management treatments along the north and southbound approaches into Terrebonne along U.S.97. The target speed within the community of Terrebonne will range from 25 – 35mph; with an emphasis on lower speeds where pedestrian and bicycle activity is currently and forecasted to be highest based on surrounding land uses.

Specific project components include:

Highway Improvements (ODOT):
Construct a new full access diamond interchange with combined “dog bone” ramp terminals at U.S.97/Lower Bridge Way intersection.
Provide pavement preservation along U.S. 97 between the U.S. 97/Lower Bridge Way interchange and chicane at south end of project. 
Install a northbound chicane on U.S. 97 at the intersection of 11th Street and a southbound chicane at U.S. 97/ Lower Bridge Way interchange.
Upgrade or install new ADA curb ramps along U.S. 97 and along local streets.
Install a new enhanced pedestrian crossing on U.S. 97 at Central Ave and upgrade the existing crossing at U.S. 97 and B Ave.
Install left turn lanes at a new intersection opposite the Alpaca farm access.
Upgrade and install signing and striping along all roadways.
Install illumination in the vicinity of the new U.S. 97/Lower Bridge Way interchange.

Local Roadway Improvements (Deschutes County):
Reconstruct 11th Street from new interchange to Central Ave. with 11' travel lanes and 5' shoulders. 
Reconstruct 11th Street from Central Ave. south to U.S. 97 with 11' travel lanes, 5' shoulder/bike lanes, curb tight sidewalks, ADA curb ramps at all intersections, and on-street parking along west side of street within available right of way.
Widen Smith Rock Way from 11th Street to the Terrebonne Depot access with 11’ travel lanes, 5’ shoulder/bike lanes, and right of way tight sidewalks.
Install transit stop on Central Ave. in conjunction with enhance pedestrian crossing at U.S. 97 and Central Ave. 
Upgrade and install signing and striping along all roadways.
Install dry sewer lines within designated County roadways including 11th Street, B Ave., C Ave, Central Ave. and Smith Rock Way.


U.S. 97 | U.S. 97- north of Lower Bridge Way to NW Odem Avenue

Cost and Funding

Total cost for both the Lower Bridge Way overcrossing and an improvement through Terrebonne is estimated at $30 million. Funding has been identified through House Bill 2017 and local partnerships. 


High Desert Aggregate & Paving, LLC

What Problem Will This Improve?

Like most Oregon cities, the Terrebonne community in Deschutes County is bisected by a state highway-- in this case U.S. 97. As U.S. 97 highway traffic volumes have significantly increased in the last 10+ years, it has become very difficult for side street traffic to enter or cross the highway, or for pedestrians to cross. A critical concern for Terrebonne residents is providing  safe crossings and access to/from U.S.  97, particularly for school children at B and C Avenues.

​The Lower Bridge Way/U.S. 97 intersection, on the north end of Terrebonne, is a primary example of the safety and operational concerns being experienced in the area, notably as it represents a key U.S. 97 access point for residents of the Crooked River Ranch residents in Jefferson County. Lower Bridge Way between U.S. 97 and 43rd Street is one of the highest volume roads in Deschutes County, given travel to and from Crooked River Ranch community.

The intersection with U.S. 97 has been an ongoing concern over the years due to the high speed and volume of traffic on U.S. 97, and the attendant difficulty of making turning moves onto or from Lower Bridge Way.​

Additional Information


rendering of "dog bone" concept design

Project concept refinement introduced Jan. 24, 2022

New 'dog bone' interchange concept​
In response to feedback gathered previously through various stakeholder engagements, ODOT's project design team developed a modified interchange concept that utilizes this “dog bone​" configuration. The advantages of this design include reducing the right-of-way footprint of the project as well as its impact on adjacent residences while maintaining the same traffic movements as traditional interchanges. This concept also eliminates the need for traffic signals at this location in the future. Other project features announced previously, including an enhanced pedestrian crossing over U.S. 97, speed reduction elements, and improvements to 11th Street and Smith Rock Way are unaffected in this concept update. Taken together, these refinements will improve safety and lower project costs without affecting the project timeline, which is still on track to begin construction in late 2023.​

Contacts & Media

Project Contacts

Community Affairs
Meghan Blyth

Project Manager
Aron Sturko

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Last Updated

2/5/2025 1:38 PM

Project Number


Project Documents

Related documents to this project
Terrebonne Project Public Letter Dogbone Concept.pdfPublic letter from ODOT introducing new dogbone intechange design concept Jan. 24, 2022
Exhibit Archive.pdfProject delivery exhibit archive
Terrebonne Project Information Paper.pdfProject information paper (PIP), updated 01-25-22
TerrebonneProjectMap.pdfFull design plans for the Terrebonne project - June 20, 2022.
T_K21162_TAM_20.pdfU.S. 97/Lower Bridge Way Interchange Area Management Plan
Open House Display Boards.pdfOpen house display boards from December 4, 2023 and December 6, 2023 events
Project Roll Map.pdfMap showing project area - December 2023
LBW Detour Stages.pdfLower Bridge Way Construction Detour Stages
PU_K21162_DB_Y2023M11D28 4.pdfSmith Rock Way Construction Detour
PU_K21162_DB_Y2023M11D28 3.pdfLocal Street Construction Detour
PU_K21162_DB_Y2023M11D28 1.pdfU.S. 97/Lower Bridge Way Interchange Area Management Plan Process
PU_K21162_DB_Y2023M11D28 2.pdfConstruction Schedule - Subject to Change
US97 Lower Bridge 3 Week Look Ahead Schedule 12.4.24.pdfUS97 Lower Bridge 3 Week Look Ahead Schedule 12-4-24