Detroit Climate Resilience Strategy Community Survey (Full version)
The City of Detroit’s Office of Sustainability is excited to engage Detroiters to develop a climate change strategy that:

--> Centers equity
--> Protects against climate impacts
--> provides tangible benefits to Detroiters, like:
     --> Lower energy bills
     --> Better air quality
     --> More parks and green spaces
     --> More accessible transportation options

We are working hand-in-hand with residents that live in our city to set the course for the future in a way that is healthy, clean, prosperous, and equitable for generations to come.

At the end of this survey, there is an optional section on demographics to ensure that we are getting input from a representative sample of Detroiters. Individual information will be kept confidential. We will be using the collective input of Detroiters to shape a climate strategy that includes the voices of all Detroiters.

Thank you for participating. We’re excited to learn from you.
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