Beginning of Year ORIENTATION

This page should be used as a supplemental resource for the orientation meeting, not in place of the meeting. Staff should have a face to face orientation meeting to openly discuss questions and gain clarification regarding NCEES. We recommend staff view the NC Teacher Orientation recorded webinar presentation together.

Prior to Orientation:

Principals should send a reminder email regarding the orientation meeting and provide a link to the NCEES Google Site where all evaluation information and resources are housed.

Link to NCEES Google Site:

Required Resources:

NC Teacher orientation: recorded webinar

Beginning of the Year Orientation.mp4

NC Beginning of the Year Teacher Orientation

In an effort to support NC schools with the evaluation process, we are providing this recorded orientation presentation as an optional resource to be used by principals as part of their beginning of year orientation.

This presentation is intended to be a supplement resource as part of the orientation meeting where teachers may ask questions.

additional resources

Orientation 2019.pdf

NC Teacher Orientation Presentation

Resources from the Orientation Presentation

AnnEvalProcessChart_Teachers (1).pdf
PDP Chart.pdf
Minimum_Observation_Requirements_06282018 (1).pdf
NC Professional Teaching Standards.pdf
NCEES-questions-5.11.17 (1).pdf

Below are links to google pages with additional NCEES Resources: