Airport Zero Emissions Vehicle and Infrastructure Pilot Program

The Airport Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) and Infrastructure Pilot Program improves airport air quality and facilitates use of zero emissions technologies at airports. Created in 2012, the program allows airport sponsors to use Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funds to purchase ZEVs and to construct or modify infrastructure needed to use ZEVs.

Program Guidance and Application Information

Eligible Airports

Any public-use airport eligible to receive AIP grants in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS). While airports in EPA-designated nonattainment and maintenance areas are given favorable consideration the primary evaluation will be based on emissions reduction efficiencies.

Annual Deadline for Project Proposals

The annual deadline for pre-applications is November 1 each year. Airports must submit pre-applications to their FAA Airports District Office (or FAA Regional Office for Regions without ADOs) by that date. Pre-applications are plain bond write-ups of no more than 3 pages with the following information:

  • A brief description of the proposed project, and anticipated benefits to the airport and air quality.
  • The airport's current status for all EPA criteria pollutants. Status can be found in the EPA's Greenbook.
  • An estimate of emissions reductions for all criteria pollutants (average for each year, and cumulatively over useful life).
  • An estimate of the AIP funding request and local match.
  • Note: For the Airport ZEV Program, airports may submit the program worksheets in lieu of the emissions reduction estimates. The worksheet quickly calculates emissions reduction through simple data entry.


Last updated: Thursday, February 13, 2025