U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs CWV - News Update

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In Case You Missed It:  The Center for Women Veterans is sharing recent news stories that may be of interest to women Veterans, military women, and their supporters on a weekly basis.  Share your thoughts about them on social media @VAWomenVets.


09/27/2021 04:00 PM EDT

Have you ever woken up with a crook in your neck? Is poor posture or stress causing your head to pound? Before you take a pill, consider trying this four-minute acupressure practice for head and neck relief. Acupressure is a massage therapy technique based in ancient traditions and is over 3,000 years old. Massage therapy and acupressure have many physiological and general well-being benefits. [From VAntage Point]
09/27/2021 02:00 PM EDT

Not too many things can get in the way of Veteran Jennifer Yarbrough, of Nashville, living her best life. She was in a dark hole just over a year ago. It was a motorcycle and a unique relationship with a Whole Health coach that pulled her out. A triple threat, Yarbrough says she is a “military brat,” a Veteran and the spouse of a Veteran. She is very proud of her status as a woman Veteran. [From VAntage Point]
09/26/2021 04:00 PM EDT

At VA, we are committed to maintaining a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment in every VA facility. As VA Secretary Denis McDonough said, “Every VA patient, their families and caregivers, as well as sexual assault survivors, staff, visitors and advocates should feel safe in all VA facilities.” As part of this commitment, VA has released Bystander Intervention Training for Veterans, available online now. This free training is an opportunity for Veterans to learn ways to contribute to a healthy and safe environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. [From VAntage Point]
09/25/2021 02:01 PM EDT

Having multiple sclerosis (MS) can make small tasks seem impossible. It’s easy to feel like life is something happening to you instead of something that you’re doing. Feelings of hopelessness can lead to depression, weight gain and further disability. When and where MS strikes is not something we decide, but after that diagnosis, we have many choices and opportunities. When I was diagnosed with MS, I was a young mother of three who already suffered from depression. [From VAntage Point]
09/25/2021 09:01 AM EDT

Do you ever seek out your family for advice? Although our Fresh Focus dietitians are the specialists on planning your plate the healthy way, getting back to your own family roots can help show you how to begin before you even pick up your plate. What better way to kick off the season of warmer weather with being able to grab some fresh veggies to put on your plate from your very own back yard [From VAntage Point]
09/24/2021 11:30 AM EDT

During Hispanic Heritage Month, today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Army Veteran Bernice Marie Uribe Requenez, who served during the Korean War. Bernice Marie Uribe Requenez was born in May 1931. When she graduated from high school in 1949, she was living in Clovis, California. Requenez wanted to travel the world, so she enlisted in the Women’s Army Corps. [From VAntage Point]

We honor your service, Marie!
09/23/2021 03:04 PM EDT

Women Veterans from the Twin Tiers Honor Flight Mission share their bond. United States Air Force Veteran Janet Bradford and U.S. Marine Corps Veteran Cara Bradford enjoy being in the company of other women Veterans. [From WBNG News 12]
09/23/2021 02:01 PM EDT

Despite serving when women had few opportunities, Jeanne Holm became a leader who promoted gender equality in the Air Force. Jeanne Holm entered the military at a time when women service members were treated like second-class citizens. After observing rampant inequality, she developed a contempt for the armed forces’ gendered hierarchy and resolved to change it into a more equitable space for all. [From VAntage Point]
09/23/2021 11:17 AM EDT

Leave your legacy for future generations by becoming a part of HERstory. To participate email the Center for Women Veterans, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (CWV) at 00w@va.gov. The CWV and the Library of Congress Veterans History Project #IANI 3.0 campaign needs women Veterans to tell their story. Women have served admirably in every war since the Revolutionary War - Has your story been told?