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Garden Waste

How to pay


All online payments: £35.00

Over the phone

Payments made on or before 27 February 2025: £35.00

Payments made on or after 3 March 2025: £38.00

(Contact Centre advisors will be available to assist residents with completing applications)

At Flintshire Connects

Payments made on or before 27 February 2025: £35.00

Payments made on or after 3 March 2025: £38.00

(Customer Service advisors will be available to assist residents with completing applications)

Between 6pm Thursday 27 February and 8am Monday 3 March, the payment system will be unavailable. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Sign up for garden waste collections

If you signed up for the service 2023 or 2024 you will have received a new style sticker that had an RFID chip embedded within in it. This means that you will not receive a new sticker this year, the one already affixed to your bin will work again. Just place your brown bin out for collection when the service starts again and your garden waste will be collected.

If you did not sign up to the service in 2023 or 2024 you will receive a sticker and permit pack from February 2025 onwards, in time for the new collection season.


What happens to my Garden Waste?

Flintshire County Council collect Garden Waste from all over the county and turn it into a super rich soil conditioning product. Approximately 12,000 tons of green waste from Flintshire's households, Household Recycling Centres (HRCs), roadsides, parks, and gardens, is collected every year.

It's taken to the Council's own composting site in Greenfield. Only vegetation such as grass, branches, and leaves can be taken to the site, items such as soil, cardboard or plastic cannot be accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

The sticker I received in 2023 or 2024 is no longer on my bin

How often is garden waste collected?

Where do I place the RFID sticker?

Last year I subscribed for multiple bins but this year I only want one bin, how do I know which sticker/bin to put out?

What if I subscribe and my brown bin or subscription sticker is stolen?

What if my sticker is damaged / missing?

A resident has more than one bin and sticker.

What if I want to request a refund?

Why have you changed to RFID stickers?

How long will these stickers last?

What is the QR code for? 

How will the sticker work?

What will happen with my data from the stickers?

Will the sticker hold any personal information?