Find Your Adventure: Catskills Visitor Use Survey

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
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Find Your Adventure: Catskills Visitor Use Survey

Catskills Visitor Use Survey Open Now Through March 19Scenic view from a fire tower in the Catskills overlooking the Catskill mountains

Do you love getting outside in the Catskills? If so, we want to hear from you! DEC and our partners that make up the Catskill Advisory Group invite the public to take part in a short survey in which you can share your thoughts on visitor use challenges faced by the region and potential solutions. This survey is open now through March 19.

Last fall, DEC and partners developed the Catskill Advisory Group to promote the sustainable management of public use in the Catskill Park. The organizations, entities, agencies, and elected officials of the Advisory Group will collaboratively provide recommendations to achieve actionable solutions that will help address issues associated with the increased public use of the Catskill Park and protect the park's resources for future generations.

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