eVTR How To Guides
- How to Complete a Commercial eVTR Using the eVTR App
- How to Complete a Commercial eVTR for IFQ Clams Using the eVTR App
- How to Complete a Commercial eVTR for Lobster and Jonah Crab Using the eVTR App
- How to Complete a For-hire eVTR Using the eVTR App
- How to Complete a Private Recreational eVTR Using the eVTR App
Permits and Forms
- Dealer Reporting
- Dealer Reporting Requirements
- Vessel Trip Reporting
- Early Adopters: Positive Feedback from Commercial Fishermen Reporting Electronically
Monitoring and Analysis
- Quota Monitoring and Landings Reports
- Discard Methodology
- Vessel Monitoring Program
- A Fisherman's Perspective: Testimonials on Electronic Monitoring Use
Notices and Rules
Maps & GIS
Fishermen's News
Email List/Text Alerts
Sign up for email updates. First, enter your email address. On the next page, you will be able to choose from several subscription topics. Scroll down to New England/Mid-Atlantic Updates and choose the fisheries or topics you would like to receive email about.
To sign up for text alerts, choose "SMS/Text Message" in the subscription type box, enter your phone number on the next page, and then choose "regional updates" under subscription topics. Scroll down and choose the topics that interest you.
Managed Species
- American Lobster
- Atlantic Herring
- Atlantic Mackerel
- Atlantic Sea Scallop
- Black Sea Bass
- Bluefish
- Blueline Tilefish
- Butterfish
- Forage Species
- Golden Tilefish
- Illex (Shortfin Squid)
- Jonah Crab
- Loligo (Longfin Squid)
- Monkfish
- Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish)
- Ocean Quahog
- Red Crab
- Red Hake
- Scup
- Silver Hake/Whiting
- Skate
- Spiny Dogfish
- Summer Flounder
- Surfclam