
Market Value Exclusion for Veterans with a Disability


This market value exclusion program reduces the market value of the home for tax purposes, which may reduce your property tax. The program is administered by the counties.

There are two exclusion levels, $150,000 and $300,000, depending on your status:

If you Are aVeteran
With a100% permanent and total disability rating
You may qualify for a market value exclusion of$300,000
If you Are aVeteran
With a70% or greater service-connected disability rating
You may qualify for a market value exclusion of$150,000
If you Are aSurviving spouse receiving dependency and indemnity compensation
With aVeteran's disability status is not a factor
You may qualify for a market value exclusion of$300,000
If you Are aSurviving spouse of a qualifying veteran or service member
With a100% permanent and total disability rating
You may qualify for a market value exclusion of$300,000
If you Are aQualifying primary family caregiver of a veteran
With a100% permanent and total disability rating
You may qualify for a market value exclusion of$300,000
If you Are aQualifying primary family caregiver of a veteran
With a70% or greater service-connected disability
You may qualify for a market value exclusion of$150,000
If you Are a With a You may qualify for a market value exclusion of
Veteran 100% permanent and total disability rating $300,000
Veteran 70% or greater service-connected disability rating $150,000
Surviving spouse receiving dependency and indemnity compensation Veteran's disability status is not a factor $300,000
Surviving spouse of a qualifying veteran or service member 100% permanent and total disability rating $300,000
Qualifying primary family caregiver of a veteran 100% permanent and total disability rating $300,000
Qualifying primary family caregiver of a veteran 70% or greater service-connected disability $150,000


Qualifications are based on whether you are a veteran, surviving spouse, or primary family caregiver. The property must have a homestead classification


How to Apply

Apply to your county assessor's office by December 31 to qualify for taxes payable in the next year. Some manufactured homes are taxed in the same year their property is assessed. For these properties, apply as soon as possible. The property must already be receiving a homestead classification. 

  • Veterans must work with their veterans service officer to get their disability rating
  • Surviving spouses must apply to continue to receive the exclusion

Information Needed to Apply

The information required depends on who is applying for the exclusion.


Contact your county assessor.

For questions related to your disability and the forms that are required with the application, speak with your county veteran service officer. 

Contact Info

Last Updated