Official Government Website

IDL foresters protect our renewable timber resources by managing the land, harvesting the trees, planting new trees, and repeating. A large portion of the annual income for the endowment trusts is derived from the sale and harvest of timber. We are committed to ensuring endowment forests remain strong, healthy, fire resilient and productive for generations to come. IDL manages about one million acres of endowment timberland, which make up about 6% of forests in Idaho. However, IDL contributes approximately 30% of the timber harvested in the state. 

Types of Sales

Timberland owners use two basic timber sale models for selling forest products, with timber sold either as stumpage or as delivered products. Generally, direct sales are used to harvest isolated timber parcels of insufficient value to justify the cost of advertisement.

Stumpage Timber Sales

Currently, IDL primarily sells endowment timber using the stumpage model, with standing timber sold at public auction and purchasers being responsible for harvesting and removing the trees at their expense.

Delivered Product Sales

Under this pilot program, IDL will sell at public auction specific product sorts like pulp, posts and poles, sawlogs, cedar poles, or house logs directly to end-users, contracting with loggers to harvest and deliver the product sorts.

Direct Sales

Timber with a volume not exceeding 100 MBF or $15,000 in value may be sold on a lump sum basis. Generally, direct sales are used to harvest isolated timber parcels of insufficient value to justify the cost of advertisement.




Eric Wilson Bureau Chief Resource Protection and Assistance 


Kemp Smith
Commercial Program Manager
(208) 334-0202


Forest Management/
Forestry Assistance
Coeur d’Alene Staff Office
(208) 769-1525


Todd Wernex
OHV/Recreation Specialist
(208) 334-0282


Sharla Arledge
Public Information Officer
(208) 334-0286

To find and contact your closest Idaho Department of Lands office see our Supervisory Area map.

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