Clean Water Fund

Thirty-three percent of the sales tax revenue from the Legacy amendment is allocated to the Clean Water Fund. Those funds may only be spent to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams and to protect groundwater from degradation. At least five percent of the clean water fund must be spent to protect drinking water sources.

Protecting Minnesota's waters is a joint effort between seven partner agencies, who collaborate and partner on Minnesota's water resource management activities under the Clean Water Fund. 

Clean Water

All Agencies$1,648,461,000
Board of Water and Soil Resources$729,725,000
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency$371,524,000
Public Facilities Authority$164,356,000
Department of Natural Resources$143,045,000
Department of Agriculture$135,010,000
Department of Health$73,177,000
Met Council$17,950,000
University of Minnesota$13,568,000
Legislative Coordinating Commission$106,000

3,300+ Funded Projects

creek with native wild flowers and grasses

South Branch Cascade Creek Rebuild, Photo Credit: BWSR

Cascade Creek

Cascade Creek Channel Restoration

Thief River

Thief River