Diabetes Update
July 2022
Welcome to our July 2022 diabetes comms update. We aim to keep you informed on the diabetes work of Strategic Clinical Networks (SCN) and developments that may impact people living with or at risk of developing diabetes in Greater Manchester (GM) and those providing their care. We want to make sure that GP practices, primary care networks, trusts and CCGs are kept up to date, so please do share these with colleagues and contacts. Please also let us know if you will like us to share important news or information with other stakeholders in Greater Manchester by emailing winifred.bajulaiye1@nhs.net.
Healthier You Diabetes Prevention Programme
- The Healthier You Diabetes Prevention Programme is delighted to welcome Lucy Archer to Greater Manchester (GM). Lucy is a Health and Wellbeing Manager for Reed Wellbeing and will be leading the implementation of the Healthier You contract in GM.
- Lucy will be available to promote the programme with practices and PCNs across GM to and would welcome the opportunity to discuss how Reed can support patients at risk of diabetes.
- Reed Wellbeing deliver a number of high impact lifestyle and wellbeing programmes that help people lead healthier lives and have been working with NHS England to provide Healthier You since 2016. In that time over 40,000 people have used the service to help reduce their risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.
- Reed will be accepting GP referrals in GM from the beginning of August. Practices can continue to refer patients to the current provider, Xyla Health and Wellbeing, until 31/07/2022 using the direct referral form on clinical systems. We have answered some frequently asked questions about the transition and what is means for patients here and for GP practices here
For more information on the Reed programme please contact Lucy.Archer@reedwellbeing.org.uk.
Increasing attendance at structured education: GM primary care training programme launched
- The new GM primary care staff training package is now live! Designed help primary care staff increase attendance at structured diabetes education (SDE), and the launch webinar on 4th July can be viewed here. Designed in partnership with GP Excellence, the training is aimed at staff who support people diagnosed with diabetes in primary care to learn through SDE how to better manage their condition.
- The training attracts 16 CPD points and includes modules on:
- Shared decision making;
- Motivational interviewing;
- Creating a high-quality person-centred support plan;
- SNOMED coding.
- The programme consists of eLearning modules, webinars and face-to-face sessions with the eLearning being available from August 2022.
- There is still time to register your interest in the programme through the Eventbrite programme page.
NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme
- GP practices can claim £11.50 for every patient referred if your practice is signed up to the Enhanced Weight Management Service Specification.
- We can advise practices on patient list searches and eligibility criteria, and can offer training to practice staff and there are now additional places available in GM.
- We have created some new videos on our website which include a general programme overview for non-clinical staff and a video to walk clinical staff through how to make medication changes when referring into the programme click here to view the videos
- Eligibility criteria, healthcare professional resources, and more information are available on the programme web site and the healthcare professional information sheet. For advice and support email the team at GM-LCD@xylahealth.com
Diabetes My Way
- Registrations onto Diabetes My Way continue to increase month on month, June saw our highest number of registrations to date with 543 people registering to use the platform. This brings our total number of registrations to 1,985.
- We are continuing to run webinars throughout July and August, the dates of these are: 19th July 12pm, 27th July 12:30pm, 17th August 12:30pm, 30th August 12:30pm
- Email the team at Manchester@mwdh.co.uk if you would like support to offer Diabetes My Way to your patients or to attend a webinar.
New Healthy Living programme
- The new nationally commissioned healthy living for people with Type 2 diabetes programme is now available. The course provides information about type 2 diabetes and its treatments and offers emotional support and help with adopting and maintaining healthy behaviours such as diet and exercise.
- The digital course is designed to allow individuals to work through the range of content at their own pace.
- The course is suitable for anyone with Type 2 diabetes including newly diagnosed or as a refresher course. It can also be offered to those who are on a waiting list for a face to face structured education programme.
- If you would like to find out more about how healthy living can support your Type 2 patients then please email natasha.hirst@nhs.net
NICE updates
Diabetes UK Updates
Diabetes is Serious Event: DUK announced during Diabetes Week that despite there now being over one million people diagnosed with diabetes in the north of England, just 34% of those living with the condition are getting the care they need. On Tuesday 21 June the Diabetes UK team in the North hosted an online event that showcased examples of good practice from across primary and secondary care in the region. Over 100 people attended and heard the firsthand experiences of people affected by diabetes. Click here for a recording of the event.
Patient resources updated: DUK booklets on ‘Newly Diagnosed with Diabetes' and ‘Food Labels made Easy’ have had a makeover. The updated publications are available to order free from the Diabetes UK shop
Diabetes and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: DUK South East Coast and London teams are hosting a FREE webinar on polycystic ovary syndrome which can affect the health of women living with diabetes. Anita Beckwith, Clinical Lead Dietitian Diabetes and Fertility, Kings College Hospital, London, will be covering diagnosis of PCOS, its relationship with type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes, lifestyle and medication management. Thursday, 14 July from 5-6pm, register here free.