
Types of Hunting

The return of the white-tailed deer as a major game species in Iowa is a tribute to good landowner attitude and progressive management, research and enforcement programs. Likewise, responsibility for the future of deer in Iowa depends upon the cooperation of hunters and landowners, preservation of critical timber habitat, legislative support and continued professional management of the resource.

EHD & Bluetongue Reporting

Hunters and landowners that suspect hemorrhagic disease-related deer mortalities are encouraged to report their observations using the EHD/Bluetongue Reporting Tool.  Or, see a dashboard of annual reports.

Reporting this information leads to a better understanding of where and how these diseases are affecting Iowa's deer population.

A small-antlered young white-tailed buck deer
Report Your Harvest

Share your harvest numbers online, or call 1-800-771-4692 or text your registration number and follow the prompts! Or, check current harvest reports by county.

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Iowa's Hunting Regulations

This is not a complete set of hunting and trapping laws but contains the information you are most likely to need to safely participate in these outdoor activities.

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Deer Hunting Season Dates

We work hard to keep our calendar current, but always refer to the hunting regulation booklet for official, legal season dates.

Deer Hunting Season Dates
2024 SeasonsSeason DatesLicense On-Sale Dates
Youth SeasonSept 21 - Oct 6, 2024Aug 15 - End of Season
Disabled Hunter (Requires a permit)Sept 21 - Oct 6, 2024Aug 15 - End of Season
Archery Season, Early SplitOct 1 - Dec 6, 2024Aug 15 - End of Season
Archery Season, Late SplitDec 23 - Jan 10, 2025Aug 15 - End of Season
Early Muzzleloader (residents only)Oct 12 - 20, 2024Aug 15 - End of Season (until quota is reached)
Late MuzzleloaderDec 23 - Jan 10, 2025Aug 15 - End of Season
Shotgun, Season 1Dec 7 - 11, 2024Aug 15 - End of Season
Shotgun, Season 2Dec 14 - 22, 2024Aug 15 - End of Season
Nonresident Holiday SeasonDec 24 - Jan 2, 2025Aug 15 - End of Season (until quota is reached)

Shooting hours for all deer seasons are half-hour before sunrise to half-hour after sunset. 

Find out more regarding Deer Disease Monitoring and the CWD Reporting System

Nonresidents: The nonresident deer application period is the first Saturday in May through the first Sunday in June. The application is available in December.


Get Your Hunting License Online

Any resident or nonresident born after January 1, 1972 must complete the required hunter education program in Iowa to buy your hunting license. Then, buy and renew your license online.

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Firearms FAQs

Youth Firearms

Legal firearms for the youth/disabled and shotgun 1 and 2 seasons include:

  • Pistols and revolvers (with a minimum barrel length of 4 inches)
  • Straight-wall and "necked-down" cartridge rifles shooting an expanding type bullet of at least .350 inches and no greater than .500 inches with at least 500 foot pounds of muzzle energy.

This includes, but is not limited to, the following common calibers: .35 Whelen, .350 Legend, .358 Winchester, .375 Winchester, .40 S&W, .44 Magnum, .444 Marlin, .45 Long Colt, .45 Raptor, .450 Bushmaster, .450 Marlin, .45-70 Govt, .460 S&W and .500 S&W.

If you’re not sure if your cartridge is allowed, please check with your local DNR conservation officer.

All of them, as long as they have a bullet diameter between 0.350 inches and 0.500 inches.


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Doe Hunter Registry (Connecting Farmers with Hunters)

Healthy deer herd management requires doe harvest. Together we strive for a balance between recreational and viewing opportunities, ecological impacts, and the possible damages of white-tailed deer such as agricultural depredation or vehicle collisions. Hunting is the tool for deer population management specifically through antlerless deer harvest. The Doe Hunter Registry is a list of hunters that have expressed an interest in helping farmers and landowners meet their deer harvest goals.

If you are an ethical hunter that is willing to do your part and harvest more does please follow the link below to sign up for the Doe Hunter Registry.

If you are a farmer that wants to increase doe harvest on your farm please follow the link below to get connected with hunters that can help. You can either register specifically as a farmer to be contacted or simply view the hunters that have signed up.

Remember—Private landowners retain the right to refuse access to property. Signing up for the Doe Hunter Registry does not guarantee access or hunting opportunity. It is the landowners responsibility to initiate contact. Please respect private property rights, be responsible advocates for hunting in the field, and report all deer harvest!. Register online:

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