U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs CWV - News Update

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In Case You Missed It:  The Center for Women Veterans is sharing recent news stories that may be of interest to women Veterans, military women, and their supporters on a weekly basis.  Share your thoughts about them on social media @VAWomenVets.

Women Veterans NOT using your earned VA Benefits & Services, we would love to hear from you. Please take our survey, it takes 5 minutes and is anonymous. https://survey.voice.va.gov/?cwv-women-veterans Survey QR Code


01/31/2022 04:01 PM EST

Here comes the sun! Even on cold days we can sometimes see a glimpse of that big ball of fire that lights up the earth. When the sun is shining – and even when it is hiding behind clouds – we can practice sun salutations to warm our bodies and invigorate our day. [From VAntage Point]
01/28/2022 09:00 AM EST

You Asked, We Answered: What type of face mask should I wear for the best protection against omicron? Construction and fit are important. [From VAntage Point]
01/26/2022 11:30 AM EST

Today’s #VeteranOfTheDay is Navy Veteran Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, who served as a salvage officer and a NASA astronaut. Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper was born and raised in St. Paul, Minnesota. She attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on a Navy Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) scholarship and graduated with a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering in 1984. [From VAntage Point]

We honor your service, Heidemarie!