A collection of type 2 diabetes pathway & management resources has been adapted from the Manchester CoDES (Community Diabetes Education and Support) Team HCP Handbook and updated by Nicki Milne and includes guidance on:
- Holistic person-centred care approach to T2DM management
- Decision cycle for person-centred glycaemic management in T2DM
- Importance of 24-hour physical behaviour for T2DM management
- NICE NG136 infographics on diagnosis & treatment of hypertension in T2DM
- National guidance on lipid management for primary & secondary CVD prevention
- First & further medicine choices under NICE NG28
- ADA/EASD guidelines for management of hyperglycaemia in T2DM
- GMMMG insulin titration guidance in adults with T2DM
- CKD diagnosis & management
- Diabetic foot primary care assessment & monitoring
A full copy of the resources and links to background information is available here on Diabetes My Way Clinical Resources website page. https://diabetesmyway.nhs.uk/media/5662/type-2-diabetes-management-pathways-sept-22.pdf
Dr. James Hider, GP at Partington Family Practice in Trafford is celebrating his first year as Diabetes Prevention Clinical Lead for Greater Manchester.
- In this time James has been supporting GP practices across GM to address the challenges they are facing managing their patients at risk of diabetes and to help them understand and develop referral pathways into the Healthier You, National Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP).
- Key achievements have included helping practices to optimise case finding and enhance the planning of health checks in primary care, working closely with the GMSS team to ensure data is accurately recorded and utilised by primary care and overseeing and ensuring a smooth transition to the new provider of the NDPP, Reed Wellbeing.
- James has also attended a number of education meetings including PCN meetings and GP, nurses and practice manager forums to share best practice and encourage referrals into the programme.
For more information about James’s work and support in referring people to Healthier You, please contact adam.wallis1@nhs.net.
NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme
Support is available to refer your patients into the NHS Low-Calorie Diet Programme.
- Practices across GM can receive tailored support through Xyla’s engagement team to identify, contact and recruit people into the Low-Calorie Diet Programme.
- Work will commence with identified practices over the coming months to invite people to attend an information event where they will learn about the programme and hear from someone who has completed the programme. People will then be given the opportunity to join the programme if they are ready to do so.
- Referrer training can be accessed on the Xyla website on the referrer information page here.
- For anyone who would like a recap on how to refer or an opportunity to ask further questions, we would like to invite you to a 15-minute Referrer Refresher training session. These sessions will be held on -
- Wednesday 2nd November at 16:30
- Thursday 3rd November at 16:30
- If you are interested in attending either of these sessions please email Xyla at GM-LCD@xylahealth.com and they will share the invite.
For the more information about the Low Calories Diet programme and the direct support available to practices please contact anna.agar@xylahealth.com.
Healthcare professional training resources
New resources are available to help primary care staff understand how to advise patients on diabetes tech.
- Healthcare professionals working in primary care can increase their knowledge of and confidence in flash glucose monitoring and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) thanks to a new suite of resources. They have been put together by the award-winning EDEN (Effective Diabetes Education Now) programme alongside Abbott and Dexcom. The education package, titled ‘Implementing Glucose Sensing in Primary Care’, has been endorsed by the Primary Care Diabetes Society (PCDS) and Diabetes Technology Network (DTN-UK), and has been developed in response to the latest NICE guidelines (NG17 and NG28) recommending wider access on the NHS to flash and CGM for people living with diabetes.
- The use of flash glucose monitoring and CGM has proven to improve time in target glucose range, quality of life and reduce the risk of hospital admission for severe hypoglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. But these technologies have in the past been limited to only some people living with type 1 diabetes who required support from secondary care and those who were self-funding. With the release of the updated NICE guidelines in 2022, access to flash glucose monitoring and CGM is recommended for all people living with type 1 diabetes, and for some people living with type 2 diabetes.
- This means that many more people throughout the UK will have access to such technology, with many prescriptions coming in primary care. As with all changes in practice, knowledge and confidence for healthcare professionals to safely implement are essential.
Further information and registration for access to the resources is available at Flash and CGM education pack for primary care now available — EDEN (edendiabetes.com)
Person-centred diabetes care training access extended
Access to free accredited education for primary care staff has been extended. The learning course to develop skills in personalised care when caring for patients with diabetes comes with CPD accreditation. The programme is a mix of eLearning, live webinars and interactive face-to-face workshops, delivered by experienced trainers and primary care professionals.
The training is now open to:
- GPs & Practice Nurses
- Diabetes Specialist Nurses
- Care Co-ordinators
- Social Prescribing Link Workers
- Health and Wellbeing Coaches
- Physician Associates
- District Community Nurses
- Nursing Associates
- Healthcare Support Workers
- Community Pharmacists
Staff and volunteers in other roles who deliver diabetes care to encourage greater uptake of Structured Diabetes Education are also welcome and encouraged to apply. The programme is available now, with face-to-face workshops starting from October 2022, covering four core subject areas:
- Shared decision making
- Motivational interviewing
- Creating a high-quality person-centred support plan
- SNOMED code training
For more information and to sign up see: https://gpexcellencegm.org.uk/support/person-centred-diabetes-care-programme
DUK updates
Diabetes UK can support patient engagement in your area.
- Diabetes UK can support engagement in GM individual GM localities. Most recently, DUK and the communications and engagement team from NHS GMIC in Wigan have been working together to gain insight into the experiences of people living with and affected by diabetes across Wigan Borough. Holding a series of in-person engagement events on high streets in Wigan and Leigh over the summer months.
- The insights gathered during joint face-to-face events over the summer were highlighted at September’s Diabetes Summit in Wigan and will feed into the next stage of engagement in the borough. This next phase will continue our work alongside NHS GMIC in Wigan, to fully support people with diabetes in gaining the information, support and care that they need.
To find out more about what DUK have been doing in Wigan and what they could do in your locality, contact Clare Howarth or Yvonne Browne.
NICE updates
- The draft scope for the NICE guideline on Type 2 diabetes in adults: management (medicines update) is now out for consultation. Any organisation wishing to submit comments on the draft scope can do so now. The consultation on this draft scope will close at 5pm on 31/10/2022. NICE are also recruiting to a range of roles, including lay members, to join the Committee for this guideline. You can find more information on the roles available on the Committee recruitment page. If you have any further queries about this draft scope consultation, please contact t2diabetesadults@nice.org.uk
NICE are now recruiting members for the Type 2 Diabetes in adults (medicines update) committee. They are looking to recruit to the following professional member positions:
- Consultant diabetologist
- Mental health professional with a special interest in diabetes
All the information about the role including how to apply can be found at this link. NICE are also looking to recruit a Topic Adviser to this guideline. Information about this role including how to apply can be found here. The deadline for applications for all roles is 31st October at 5pm. Further details available from Amy Crisp (Amy.Crisp@nice.org.uk, 0161-870 3256) at NICE
Future work & forward planning
The Diabetes Board and Programme Team are already engaged in or are planning work on a number of issues, including: