As The Mastick Senior Center returns to somewhat normal operations, we would like to know what activities you are interested in and if we should bring back Saturday Bingo. Your feedback will help us make future plans.

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* 1. Would you attend Saturday Bingo if we restarted? If no, go to 4.

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* 2. If Yes, how often would you attend?

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* 3. Would you Volunteer to help run Bingo?

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* 4. It has been suggested that Bingo provided socialization. Would you be interested in a Fun Game Day? Fun Games which would include Bingo, Bunco and other board games to play, just for fun.  If no, go to 7.

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* 5. If you’re interested in Fun Games, how often would you attend?

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* 6. Would you Volunteer to help run Fun Games?

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* 7. if you indicated that you would volunteer for Bingo and/or Fun Games, please provide your contact information.

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* 8. We would like to know what other activities might interest you. Please check all that apply.

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* 9. If you are 50+ and still working, would evening programs at Mastick Senior Center appeal to you? If so, what time would you like programs to begin?

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* 10. Thinking of the future of Senior Centers, what programming, facilities or amenities should the Mastick Senior Center consider in order to attract future members?

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* 11. Are you a Mastick Senior Center member?

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* 12. What is your zip code?

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* 13. What is your age?