The Consumer Compliance Examination Manual is a primary resource and reference tool for FDIC compliance examination staff to use in support of conducting Consumer Compliance and Community Reinvestment Act examinations and other supervisory activities. The Manual incorporates examination policies, procedures, and guidance and is available on the FDIC website as a resource for FDIC staff, bankers, and other members of the public. The Manual is updated on an ongoing basis as compliance examination procedures and supervisory expectations are revised or updated. FDIC staff and the public can sign up through the FDIC subscription service to receive alerts when the Manual is revised or updated. The most recent update date for each section is indicated on the webpage as well as in the footer of each section.
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Please note that several sections have been recently updated.
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The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has taken reasonable measures to ensure that the information and data presented in the Compliance Examination Manual (Manual) is accurate and current. However, the FDIC makes no express or implied warranty regarding such information or data, and hereby expressly disclaims all legal liability and responsibility to persons or entities that use or access this Manual and its content, based on their reliance on any information or data that is available through this website.
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