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Address Confidentiality Program

The Office of the Indiana Attorney General works to assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault stalking, human trafficking, harassment, intimidation, and invasion of privacy by helping them return to normal, safe lives. One of the ways the office does this is through the Address Confidentiality Program (ACP). The ACP is a free program that allows victims of domestic violence, sexual assault stalking, human trafficking, harassment, intimidation, or invasion of privacy to maintain a confidential address through the Attorney General's Office. It is not a witness protection program - or an absolute guarantee of safety. It is one more tool that victims can use to take back their lives.

When you sign up for ACP, your first-class mail is sent to a secure substitute address and then forwarded to your new home. Your substitute address is also used for state and local government services, such as driver's license, vehicle, voter, and school registrations and legal process.

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Who is eligible

Survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, harassment, intimidation and invasion of privacy who fear for their safety are eligible for the ACP. All ACP applications have a section that must be completed by a trained victim’s advocate.

If those initial requirements are met, participation in the program may be offered to:

  • Individuals at least 18 years of age or,
  • A parent or guardian acting on behalf of a minor or,
  • A guardian acting on behalf of an incapacitated person.

How to apply

Your application must be signed by a trained victim advocate. Your victim advocate has all the required documents. If you need help finding a list of trained advocates in your area, click here. To learn more about the program e-mail

Additional important information

Survivors who are interested in seeking financial assistance through the Indiana Violent Crime Victim Compensation Fund, can learn more on the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute’s Web site.

Links to additional resources and programs are provided below:

Support Services Resource Directory

Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Indiana Sex and Violent Offender Registry

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