
Noppadol Paothong
Right to Use
Photo by Noppadol Paothong, courtesy Missouri Department of Conservation

Species Description
You are required to call 800-668-4045 prior to hunting each day to determine if the harvest quota has been met. This line will be updated no later than midnight on each day of the black bear hunting season. Harvest numbers will be assessed daily after 10 p.m. Should a harvest quota be reached, the season will close for that BMZ on the following day. The director of the Conservation Department may close hunting early within a BMZ if harvest reaches 80 percent of the quota. If the harvest quota is met or the director closes the season for the BMZ in which you are hunting, you may not harvest a black bear
Black bears are becoming more common and widespread across the southern half of Missouri. The Conservation Department has determined that the state’s bear population can sustain a limited and highly regulated harvest. This provides opportunity for Missourians to participate in the sustainable harvest of a valuable natural resource, while also allowing for the bear population to continue to grow. Additionally, as bear numbers continue to increase, hunting will serve as an essential component of black bear population management.
Topic Category
Hunting / Fishing Guide
Biological Information