Construction Safety

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Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) works hard to keep our construction sites safe for employees, work crews, and the public. During construction, heavy machinery, tools, and materials can be hazardous. Because of this, we ask that you follow these safety tips.

General Tips

  • Whenever possible, avoid going near a construction zone.
  • Follow all traffic signage and direction from work crews and flaggers.
  • Stay alert and avoid distractions when in or near the construction zone.
  • Download the Construction Safety Kids Activity Sheetsdownload for coloring and other fun activities. (pdf)


  • Slow down and follow signs that tell you where to walk, roll (wheelchair or walker), or bike.
  • Stop, look, and listen for construction trucks and machinery. Make sure the driver sees you if they are close by.
  • Look out for uneven pavement or paths.
  • Remind children not to walk, run, bike, or play in the construction area.
  • Keep all pets on leash when around construction areas.


  • Please do not drive through a construction site. You risk injuring construction crews as well as yourself. If you must drive through a work zone to access a home or business, please be careful and follow direction from on-site staff.
  • When backing out of your driveway, check behind you in case construction activities or equipment are in the way.
  • If your street or driveway will be blocked, remember to move your car outside of the construction area before work begins.


Contact the SPU project manager to let them know if you have accessibility and other access needs.
Please do not approach an excavation or construction site to talk to the construction crew. If you have any construction safety-related questions or comments, please contact us through the number/email on the project notice you received.

Thank you for helping us keep our construction site safe!

Information contained in this document is presented for general educational and information purposes and to increase overall safety awareness. It is not intended to be legal, medical or other expert advice or services, and should not be used in place of consultation with appropriate professionals and/or contractor. The information contained on this document should not be considered exhaustive and the user should seek the advice of appropriate professionals. Any check list provided by the City of Seattle or Seattle Public Utilities is not the sole guidance to protect the general public.