Private wells are wells that are not part of a public water supply. Private wells have fewer than 15 connections and serve fewer than 25 people. They are usually wells that serve a single home or farmhouse. Unlike public water systems, protection and maintenance of a private well is largely the responsibility of homeowners.
This page contains information and resources you need to have your private water supply correctly built and adequately protected.
- Contact information for drilling & pump installing services
- Test your private well
- Test your private well water annually
- Tests for drinking water from private wells [PDF]
- Laboratories certified to test private well drinking water for:
- Your well’s water quality and possible water problems
- What’s wrong with my water? — pinpoint your water problem and what can be done about it.
- Identify your water’s symptoms — does your water smell, look, taste or feel funny?
- Statewide water quality viewer [exit DNR]
- Water quality and contamination
- Arsenic in drinking water [PDF]
- Bacteria in drinking water [PDF]
- Nitrate in drinking water [PDF]
- Manure and drinking water
- Flooded wells
- Well records search
- How deep is my well?
- Go to the well records search and find the Well Construction Report for your well. The report will indicate the drillhole depth and the casing depth. If you cannot find a Well Construction Report for your well, you can hire a licensed well professional to inspect the water supply system and measure the well depth for you.
- Buying/selling a home or property with a well and well inspections
- Private well construction owner information
- You and Your Well [PDF]
- Well owner's manual [PDF exit DNR]
- Prior to constructing a well obtain a notification number
- Driven point (sandpoint) wells [PDF] — before constructing a driven point well, contact DNR at 608-266-1054 for a driven point well packet
- Basement wells and pits
- Private well construction in granite formations
- Well filling and sealing information (well abandonment)
- Well compensation grants
- Statutes and codes
Wisconsin Statutes
Private Well Codes
- Other resources