Ohio Afterschool Child Enrichment Educational Savings Program

Important Updates

deadline EXTENDED to spend funds

Great news! Families who have been awarded funds from the Afterschool Child Enrichment Education Savings Account program (ACE) have more time to spend their money. The deadline for families to spend funds was previously July 1, 2024 and has now been extended to September 1, 2025. Please note, that the ACE program is fully subscribed, and no more accounts may be awarded. The extension applies to families with existing accounts only.
If you have questions or need help submitting a claim for reimbursement, please use the Help Center

ACE Application CLOSED

The application for the ACE program is closed for new applications as the program is fully subscribed.

General Overview

The Ohio Afterschool Child Enrichment (ACE) Educational Savings Account program provides qualifying families with a $1,000 credit per child. These funds can be used to pay for a variety of educational activities designed to help accelerate learning for children impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Allowable Activities

  • Before- or after-school educational programs 
    • An educational program means an activity aligned to state academic standards that develops academic knowledge and is designed to accelerate learning.  
  • Day camps, including camps for academics, music, and arts; 
  • Curriculum and materials for homeschool families; 
    • Families engaged in home education whose children have been excused from compulsory education may use ACE funds to obtain curriculum materials. ACE funds cannot be used to pay tuition, including tuition for site-based or online schools.
  • Educational, learning or study skills services; 
  • Tuition for learning pods; 
  • Field trips to historical landmarks, museums, science centers and theaters, including admission, exhibit and program fees; 
  • Language classes; 
  • Music lessons; 
    • Lessons are an allowable service; however, purchase of musical instruments and other hardware are not allowable through the ACE Educational Savings account.
  • ​Tutoring. 

Please note that ACE account funds cannot be used for the purchase of electronic devices. 

Eligible Students

The ACE Educational Savings Account program is available to any Ohio child ages 6 to 18 years old (who hasn’t graduated from high school) who meets at least one of the conditions below. 


Children residing in districts identified as having a high rate of chronic absenteeism or have one or more schools identified as EdChoice eligible qualify for an ACE Educational Savings Account. The list for the 2023-24 school year has recently been updated to reflect chronic absenteeism data for districts in Ohio. 


Children who reside in a household with an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) at or below 400% of the federal poverty level based on the household’s most recent federal income tax return qualify for an ACE Educational Savings Account. Find charts for each school year below. 

income-based GOVERNMENT assistance PROGRAMs

Children who are part of a family that participates in programs such as Medicaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Ohio Works First (OWF) or other income-based government assistance programs with eligibility at or below 400% of the federal poverty level, qualify for an ACE Educational Savings Account.

Qualified Education Service Providers

If an organization offers a qualifying program or service under the Ohio Revised Code, they may apply below to be listed as a Qualified Education Service Provider (QESP). An organization will be listed in the online Marketplace, where parents can search for organizations and the services provided. Click the button below for more information.

Last Modified: 3/5/2025 9:25:35 AM