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Have you signed up yet? Participation mandatory to fish for grouper in Florida waters.

Gulf of America Regulations (state and federal waters unless specified, excluding all state waters of Monroe County)

Aggregate Bag Limit

May only possess/harvest no more than a total combination of 4 grouper species per person/per day

nassau grouper

Harvest Prohibited

Goliath Grouper

Harvest Prohibited without Permit

For more information on obtaining a permit through the Goliath Harvest Program, please visit


Min. Size Limit

24” TL


Daily Bag Limit

2 per person within 4 grouper aggregate

0 fish bag limit for Charter Captain and Crew


Closed - 2025 season TBD.

black grouper

Min. Size Limit

24” TL

Daily Bag Limit

4 per person within 4 grouper aggregate

State only: 0 fish bag limit for Charter Captain and Crew


State: Open year-round

Federal: Closed Feb. 1-March 31 seaward of 20 fathoms

"The Edges" closed Jan 1 - Apr 30

red grouper

Min. Size Limit

20" TL

Daily Bag Limit

2 per person within the 4 grouper aggregate

State only: 0 fish bag limit for Charter Captain and Crew


State: Open year-round

Federal: Closed Feb. 1-March 31 seaward of 20 fathoms

  • "The Edges" closed from Jan. 1 - April 30.

Min. Size Limit

16" TL

Daily Bag Limit

Up to 4 per person within 4 grouper aggregate


State: Open year-round

Federal: Closed Feb. 1-March 31 seaward of 20 fathoms

"The Edges" closed Jan 1 - Apr 30

yellow fin grouper

Min. Size Limit

20" TL

Daily Bag Limit

Up to 4 per person within 4 grouper aggregate


State: Open year-round

Federal: Closed Feb. 1-March 31 seaward of 20 fathoms

"The Edges" closed Jan 1 - Apr 30

yellow mouth grouper

Min. Size Limit

State: 20" TL

Federal: None

Daily Bag Limit

Up to 4 per person within 4 grouper aggregate


State: Open year-round

Federal: Closed Feb. 1-March 31 seaward of 20 fathoms

Min. Size Limit


Daily Bag Limit

Up to 4 per person within the 4 grouper aggregate


Open year-round

Min. Size Limit


Daily Bag Limit

Up to 4 per person within the 4 grouper aggregate


Open year-round

Min. Size Limit


Daily Bag Limit

Up to 4 per person within 4 grouper aggregate


Open year-round

Min. Size Limit


Daily Bag Limit

1 of each per vessel within 4 grouper aggregate


Open year-round

Min. Size Limit


Daily Bag Limit

Up to 4 per person within 4 grouper aggregate


Open year-round

Reef fish gear requirements apply and must be landed with the head and fins intact.

Atlantic Regulations (state and federal waters unless specified; includes all state waters of Monroe County)

Aggregate bag limit

May only possess/harvest no more than a total combination of 3 grouper/tilefish species per person/per day

nassau grouper

Harvest Prohibited

goliath grouper

Harvest Prohibited without Permit

For more information on obtaining a permit through the Goliath Harvest Program, please visit


Min. Size Limit

24” TL

Daily Bag Limit

State: 1 gag or black within the 3 grouper aggregate

Federal: 1 gag or black within the 3 grouper aggregate

  • Vessel Limit: 2 gag per vessel per day, not to exceed the daily bag limit, whichever is more restrictive
  • For-hire captain and crew retention prohibited


Open May 1 - Dec. 31


black grouper

Min. Size Limit

24” TL

Daily Bag Limit

State: 1 gag or black within the 3 grouper aggregate

Federal: 1 gag or black within the 3 grouper aggregate

  • Vessel limit: 2 black per vessel per day, not to exceed the daily bag limit, whichever is more restrictive
  • For-hire captain and crew retention prohibited


Open May 1-Dec. 31

red grouper

Min. Size Limit

20" TL

Special regulations apply for this species when fishing in Biscayne National Park.

Daily Bag Limit

Up to 3 per person within 3 grouper aggregate

Special regulations apply for this species when fishing in Biscayne National Park.


Open May 1-Dec. 31



Min. Size Limit

20" TL

Daily Bag Limit

Up to 3 per person within 3 grouper aggregate


Open May 1-Dec. 31

yellow fin grouper

Min. Size Limit

20 in. TL

Daily Bag Limit

Up to 3 per person within 3 grouper aggregate


Open May 1-Dec. 31

yellow mouth grouper

Min. Size Limit

20" TL

Daily Bag Limit

Up to 3 per person within 3 grouper aggregate


Open May 1-Dec. 31

Min. Size Limit


Daily Bag Limit

Up to 3 per person within 3 grouper aggregate

Special regulations apply for these species when fishing in Biscayne National Park.


Open May 1-Dec. 31

Min. Size Limit


Daily Bag Limit

Up to 3 per person within 3 grouper aggregate

Special regulations apply for these species when fishing in Biscayne National Park.


Open May 1-Dec. 31

Min. Size Limit


Daily Bag Limit

Up to 3 per person within 3 grouper aggregate


Open year-round

Min. Size Limit

State: None

Federal: Harvest prohibited

Daily Bag Limit

State: 1 per vessel per day of each species

Federal: Harvest prohibited


State: Open year-round

Federal: Harvest prohibited

Min. Size Limit


Daily Bag Limit

State:  1 per vessel per day within the 3 grouper aggregate
Federal:  1 per vessel per day within the 3 grouper aggregate


State: Open May-June 30

Federal: Open May-June 30

Reef fish gear requirements apply and must be landed with head and fins intact.

Return 'Em Right

A resource for anglers interested in best release practices

Shallow water grouper map

20-Fathom Map

Click for a larger PDF.

Several species of Gulf grouper (red, black, scamp, yellowfin and yellowmouth) are closed Feb. 1-March 31 seaward of the 20-fathom break. Recreational anglers are encouraged to use electronic charting equipment to plot the 20-fathom break by entering the established coordinates listed on the map below into a route.

Monroe County: Several species of Atlantic grouper (red, black, yellowfin, yellowmouth, scamp, rock hind, red hind, coney and graysby) are closed Jan. 1 - April 30 in all state and federal waters of the Atlantic including all state waters off Monroe County (Atlantic and Gulf sides). During this closure, anglers can harvest grouper in open federal waters of the Gulf and return to port in Monroe County by traveling through closed state waters of the Atlantic as long as the vessel proceeds directly to port without stopping to fish.

Gag Grouper 2023 Regulation Map

Gag Grouper Management Map

Click for a larger PDF.