Third Floor Hearing Room
County Court House
1325 Pearl Street, Boulder
Members Present:
  • Commissioner Claire Levy
  • Commissioner Ashley Stolzmann
  • Commissioner Marta Loachamin

[Note: All documents referred to in these Minutes of Commissioners’ Proceedings are on file and may be reviewed in the Office of the Boulder County Commissioners.]



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The Board of County Commissioners of Boulder County met in Regular Meeting in full conformity with the law and resolution of said Board at the regular place of hybrid meetings, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder and on Zoom Webinar, on September 12, 2023. 

The meeting was called to order at approximately 10:33 a.m. by Chair Claire Levy.

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  • Moved byCommissioner Stolzmann
    Seconded byCommissioner Loachamin

    to approve the Commissioners' Consent Agenda as a whole.

    Carried Unanimously

Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth of Colorado (SAFY) shall provide therapeutic services to clients referred by Boulder County Department of Housing and Human Services (BCDHHS).

One (1) petition for Property Tax Exemption for Seniors recommended for Denial by the Hearing Officer:

Elizabeth Guertin, R0148148, denial based on Ownership requirement not being met for the tax year 2023. Ownership of property must be 10 consecutive years prior to January 1, 2023 per C.R.S. § 39-3-203(1)(a)(1).

Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Boulder County and Cities of Boulder, Lafayette, Longmont, Louisville and Town of Superior for Keep it Clean Partnership (KICP).

Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the State of Colorado for the Traffic Signal Reconstruction at 95th and Lookout Rd for a total amount of $482,000 (with a county match of $48,200).

Approve submittal of a $50,000 State Historical Fund, History Colorado grant application to complete architectural and engineering designs, and construction plans for the Tucker Ranch Cabin to address all work recommended in the August 2023 Historic Structure Assessment. Total project cost after $22,215 Boulder County Parks and Open Space cash match is $72,215.

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Waiver of Bid Requirements for the Boulder Canyon Trail Emergency Wall Repair for an amount of $719,197. 


Kristine Obendorf, Public Works Department

Tonya Luebbert, Community Planning & Permitting Department

  • Moved byCommissioner Stolzmann
    Seconded byCommissioner Loachamin
    Carried Unanimously

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Motion to Reconsider August 22, 2023 Business Meeting Item 5.d. – Appointment of Debra Miles to the Board of Adjustment.

Presenter(s): Ashley Stolzmann, County Commissioner

  • Moved byCommissioner Stolzmann
    Seconded byCommissioner Loachamin

    to rescind the appointment of Debra Miles from the Board of Adjustment and give staff direction to decide if they should re-open recruitment for this position at this time or wait until the next recruitment period. 

    Carried Unanimously

Jana Petersen, County Administrator, is requesting a permanent 1.0 FTE Administrative Lead Technician. The Southeast Community Hub in Lafayette is scheduled to open at the end of September, and centralized staffing is necessary to support the new building. Commissioners previously approved three FTEs for the operation of the building: a custodian, a building maintenance worker, and a security officer. The new building will be a place where people can obtain various Boulder County services in a centralized location, similar to the St. Vrain Community Hub in Longmont. Opening the building requires one staff member at an information desk to meet visitor navigation, mail/delivery receipt, and other administrative service expectations. The position will be filled with Spanish speaking required.

The Office of County Administrator has sufficient funds available in 2023 to cover the cost of the FTE for the remainder of the year. If approved, the annual cost would be added to the 2024 salary budget for OCA. Human Resources approves the classification. Board of County Commissioners’ approval is needed for this request.

Presenter(s): BJ Lambden, Human Resources Department

  • Moved byCommissioner Stolzmann
    Seconded byCommissioner Loachamin
    Carried Unanimously

The Assessor's Office is requesting one-time and ongoing budget amendments to their General Fund Appropriation as follows:

- One-time $61,110 increase to hire temporary hourly staff for more than 5,000 County Board of Equalization appeals this year.

- Ongoing $30,000 increase to cover the increased cost for printing and mailing jobs including Notices of Valuation and Notices of Determination.

- Increase in the amount of $15,849 to hire a 1.0 FTE (Program Specialist II) to comply with a new Senate Bill 23-036: the management of Veterans Homestead Exemption duties have moved to the Assessor's Office.

Presenter(s): Emily Beam, Office of Financial Management

  • Moved byCommissioner Stolzmann
    Seconded byCommissioner Loachamin
    Carried Unanimously

Paul Jannatpour, Information Technology (IT) Director, is requesting two-term Applications Developer positions to help with the Alternative Sentencing Facility project. In partnership with Community Justice Services, and as part of a current project to implement a software solution that will allow for total facility and program management of the new Alternative Sentencing Facility, the IT department is requesting approval to hire two-term FTE positions. These two positions will have a term date of December 25, 2025 and will be funded via approved and existing project budget. HR has approved the classifications. OFM will verify/approve the funding after formal approval from the Commissioners. The Board of County Commissioners' approval is needed.


BJ Lambden, Human Resources Department

Paul Jannatpour, Information Technology (IT) Department 

  • Moved byCommissioner Stolzmann
    Seconded byCommissioner Loachamin
    Carried Unanimously

Authorization for the Board of County Commissioners to go into Executive Session for Legal Advice at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, September 13th with Ben Pearlman, County Attorney, pursuant to CRS 24-6-402(4)(b) Legal Advice.

Presenter(s): Ben Pearlman, County Attorney's Office

The topics to be discussed during the aforementioned Executive Session are:

1.) Open records requests for Human Resources documents

2.) Collective bargaining in the Sheriff’s Office 

3.) Board of Adjustment legal standards

  • Moved byCommissioner Stolzmann
    Seconded byCommissioner Loachamin
    Carried Unanimously

The commissioners held an Executive Session on September 6th to receive legal advice related to the following topics:

1. Settlement proposal in JUUL Labs litigation

2. Boulder Public Library District Intergovernmental Agreement

3. Open records requests for Human Resources documents

[Item No. 5 was noted for the record.]

Presenter: Cecilia Lacey, Commissioners' Office

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The Public Hearing for Docket SE-22-0006: Upczak-Garcia Boundary Line Adjustment scheduled for Thursday, September 14 at 10:00 a.m. has been tabled indefinitely.

[Item No. 6.a was noted for the record.]

The Public Hearing for Docket EP-23-0002/SPRW-22-0064 Freeman Lot Combination and Solar Array, scheduled for September 19th at 2:30 p.m. has been canceled to review administratively.

[Item No. 6.b was noted for the record.]

[Item No. 6.c was noted for the record.]

Presenter(s): Gloria Handyside, Commissioners' Office


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(Staff Presenter: Aaron Clark) (Hybrid: In-Person and Zoom Webinar) 

Parks & Open Space Department: Real estate acquisitions monthly meeting Park Creek Acquisition: Boulder County proposes to acquire fee title to 15.13 acres owned by Joshua Nehf, for $280,000. The property has an address of 1850 Bunce School Road and is located near the intersection of County Road 92 and the Peak-to-Peak Highway. Staff supports this acquisition.


Staff Presenter(s):

Aaron Clark, Parks & Open Space Department

County Attorneys Present:

Conrad Lattes

Public Speaker(s):

Bill Ellis, Raymond

  • Moved byCommissioner Stolzmann
    Seconded byCommissioner Loachamin
    Carried Unanimously

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(Staff Contact: Emily Beam) (Hybrid: In-Person and Zoom Webinar)

Public testimony on the 2024 budget will be taken at a public hearing on Tuesday, October 24 at 12:30 p.m.

Office of Financial Management: 2024 Budget Presentations; The Office of Sustainability, Climate Action, & Resilience (OSCAR), Public Health, Sheriff’s Office, Clerk & Recorder’s Office, Treasurer’s Office, Assessor’s Office, Surveyor’s Office, Commissioners’ Office, Office of Financial Management, and County Attorney’s Office to present budget requests for fiscal year 2024.
ACTION REQUESTED: None – information only.


The commissioners took a recess from 2:00 to 2:10 p.m.

Staff Presenter(s):

Emily Beam, Office of Financial Management

Susie Strife, Office of Sustainability, Climate Action, & Resilience (OSCAR) 

Lexi Nolen, Public Health Department

Curtis Johnson, Sherrif's Office

Molly Fitzpatrick, Clerk & Recorder's Office

Paul Weissmann, Treasurer's Office

Cindy Braddock, Assessor's Office

Ramona Farineau, Office of Financial Management