Community Health Boards (CHB) will report Local Public Health Act finance, staffing, and performance measures for calendar year 2023 into REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) by March 31, 2024. REDCap is a secure, web-based application that will allow Community Health Boards to access their own data after reporting closes. 

To use REDCap to report this data, each individual in your CHB who has reporting responsibilities will need a REDCap user account and password. We anticipate that most CHBs will need five or fewer accounts (note: all CHS administrators and Public Health directors will automatically receive a REDCap user account and password for all reporting areas, and do not need to enter their names below). 

Please carefully review the names and email addresses to ensure they have been entered correctly and that there are no typos. 

Complete this form for the staff that need access to REDCap by February 9, 2024. 

If you have any questions, please contact Ghazaleh Dadres at

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